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"Is this yours? May I have some? It looks good," Lux says walking out of the kitchen with a takeaway smoothie. "Sure, what's mine is yours, Luxie-girl...damit to hell!" Austin shouts at his video game when his character dies and he has to start again. "Fuck, this is so good. I have never tasted something like this before," Lux says. "What?  You've never had a peanut butter milkshake before?  They are the bomb...fuck!  Yes!" he shouts at his game again. "There are peanuts in here?" Lux asks. "Emphasis on the peanut butter, Luxie. Bring it here, let me have some. Yes! Take that you dick!" Austin shouts at the video game. "Luxie, bring it here...Luxie!" Austin shouts then turns when Lux does not answer. "Oh fuck!" he shouts throwing down his remote and rushing to her. She is on the floor, grabbing at her neck as her lips turn blue. "Fuck!  Fuck!  Shit!  What do I fucking do, Lux!" he shouts grabbing for his phone and dialing 911. She tries to tell him but she can't talk and is already starting to black out.

She hears him on the phone to the operator and then suddenly he is ripping open her shirt and without a hint of hesitation in his terrified eyes he plunges the Epipen into her chest. The medication works quickly and within seconds her throat eases up as she gasps for breath. "Fuck, Lux," Austin breaths out gathering her up in his arms and hugging her tightly to his shaking body. "I am so fucking sorry," he says, guilt thick in his voice. "Not your fault," she croaks out. "Fuck. You scared me," he says rocking her softly while holding her. They stay like that while Austin continues to apologize and Lux continues to tell him it's not his fault until there is a knock on the door. "It's open, come in!" Austin shouts refusing to leave Lux.

The medics check her over, do some paperwork and issue her with a new Epipen. After they leave Austin fusses over her, he does not go back onto his game choosing rather to make dinner, throwing away the offending milkshake and any food item even beginning with a P then he pushes her into bed where he cuddles her and kisses her softly while they watch movies. "I didn't know it was that bad, Luxie. I am so sorry," he whispers into the top of her head as they drift off to sleep. "I am going to watch you like a fucking hawk from now on. No peanuts. No nuts of any kind...except mine," he adds. Lux laughs and crawls over him. "Hmmm, your nuts are my favorite," she says. 

Lux wipes her tears and pulls out a mirror to fix her messed-up makeup. Damit. She hates her allergy, it makes her feel weak. She has had to use her Epipen a few times - shit just happens. In that six months Austin had to use it twice on her and both times he had been so scared he would be too late then after he had treated her like glass - loving and soothing her. Not everything about their relationship was bad, there were some good parts. She freezes at the thought. No. There were no good parts and she won't let Austin cloud her mind - their entire relationship had been horrible and toxic. She lights a second cigarette and watches as everyone files out of the restaurant and then into the karaoke bar. This is only day one. She does not know if she can manage another six days of this shit. She can't! Maybe she should just have a fucking peanut and be done with this shit.

She stays outside for as long as she can, listening to the shitty off-tune voices drifting out onto the sidewalk. They should all be embarrassed. When she sees Demi calling her phone she kills her cigarette and walks inside. Not surprisingly it's worse inside. Her uncle Mike has the microphone and is trying his hand at rap - he is shit and should sit the fuck down. "Lux!" her mother shouts and throws her arms around her neck. "Oh, hello drunk mother," she says. "I am not drunk, just happy," her mother says excitedly accepting a cocktail from her grandmother. "Either you are plying her with alcohol to get her to pass out or she has made you lose your dam mind," Lux says. "You made me lose my mind years ago, Lux," her grandmother says winking at her and taking a sip of wine from a wine bottle - she is clearly done with wine glasses.

"Don't take to heart what your mother says. She is proud of you, we both are," her grandmother says. "You are a sweet woman," Lux says patting her shoulder. "Oh, there you are!  I thought you left!  Come sing with my friends and me," Demi says grabbing Lux's arm. "We both know that will never happen," Lux says raising her brow at Demi. "Well it was worth a try," Demi says then disappears with her friends. A glass of white wine is suddenly held up in her face, she takes it and looks at who gave it to her. Shawn. He is smiling at her. Why?

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