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Lux smirks when she feels Austin licking into her, she can't see him - just mounds of pink marshmallow, but he is certainly making his presence known. "I can't see you, help me take this dress off," she mumbles then whimpers and curls her toes when Austin's tongue flicks her clitoris just right. "Fuck..." she breathes out, grabbing fistfuls of her pink dress. Austin ignores her request as he continues to work on that virtue of hers. She tries to control herself, but she is done for when he pushes two fingers into her and curled them inside her - she climaxes. Loudly.

While she is still high on her orgasm Austin pops his head up. All she can see are his eyes peeping over the mound of pink, - they are dancing.

"Come up here and help me out of this dress?"


"What? You going to live down there between my thighs forever?"

"While that's tempting and it's warm down here, I have things to do."

"Ok...help me out of this dress before you do your things."

"No," Austin says rising and then clambering over the marshmallow mound, "I am going to fuck you in it," he says settling over her. Lux attempts a glare, but she can barely stand the fact that Austin is so hard above her. She can feel him. She arches her back and rolls her hips grinding up into him. He lets out a strained, chocked off moan then grabs her hips. "I want you on top," he mumbles rolling them so she is straddled on him. He disappears under the dress and Lux lets out a laugh while Austin scrambles to get the mounds of pink shit off his face. "Fuck! I can't breathe under here," he says when he finally pops his head out.

There is sudden knocking and both their heads flick to the patio door. It's fucking Jessica. She gives them a little wave and a grin then opens the door. "Hi, don't mind me," she says tip-toeing into the room while both Austin and Lux stare at her, frozen. "There are three layers to the dress and if you pop this button on the back like this..." she says, Lux can feel her fiddling on the small of her back. "Now lift your arms, Lux," she says. Lux lifts her arms and Jessica pulls off two layers of her poofy dress, leaving one more manageable poofy layer. "There, now you get a princess that is way easier to get to," Jessica says and smiles at them again.

"Uh...thank you?... I think?" Lux says. "Oh you are very welcome," Jessica says then heads to the door while Austin turns to look at Lux with big eyes as she looks down at him. "Oh! I have a message from Louis," Jessica says stopping and facing them again then putting her fist out to Austin. Austin frowns in confusion but puts his fist out too. Jessica taps her fist with his then gives him rapid finger guns. "Princesses are the shit," she says. Austin snorts a laugh and then bangs on the wall above his head. "Hell, yeah!" he shouts. "Send mine back, I haven't finished with her!" Louis shouts and bangs on the wall. Jessica gives them a little courtesy in her dress and then skips out, shutting the door behind her.

Lux looks down at Austin, a little shocked. "What the fuck do we do now?" she whispers. Austin rolls his hips and grins at her. "What do you think?" he asks grabbing her sides. Lux shrugs and lets Austin lift her slightly as he lines himself up and then pushes into her. Lux smiles at him as she takes him, she loves the stretch, then leans down and kisses him as she starts rolling her hips. She unbuttons his shirt while she kisses him then spreads it open and runs her hand down his torso, his skin is smooth under her fingertips. Her body is still sensitive from just climaxing so it does not take long for Austin to hit her spot and her jaw goes slack as she lets out a little whimper. Austin feels amazing, she will never get enough of him.

He rolls them so he is on top again then dips his head and starts kissing her neck, jaw, and lips as he thrusts into her. She rocks her hips in unison letting out soft whimpers every so often. His strokes are long and smooth, her nerves going crazy and her skin feels like it's on fire - Austin's actions tonight are tender, sweet. But, she can see he is battling to keep his self-control. She hooks her legs around his hips, pink clouds still everywhere, and pushes her feet onto the back of his thighs as she rakes her nails over his back.

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