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Day 1

Lux bolts up in bed when she hears banging on her door. She looks out her patio doors but sees no one. What the fuck? Has she lost her mind? She hears banging again and then looks at the passage near the bathroom. Oh shit, there is a door there? She had not even noticed. She checks the time and sees it's 6:10 am. Well, that's not happening so she cuddles under the bed covers and closes her eyes. There is a banging at the door again and this time it does not stop - whoever it is is a physio and just keeps banging. She gets out of bed and yanks the door open then squeaks when she sees Austin, he does not look happy.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Turns out Demi and Shawn were very serious about who they paired up. Lucky me gets to be your fucking babysitter," Austin says pushing her aside and walking into her room. "What?! Get out of my fucking room!" she shouts running behind him. He ignores her. "Family yoga started at 6 am. When your sorry ass didn't pitch up I had to come to get you," Austin says rummaging through her bag. "Hey! Don't touch my stuff, fuck off!" she says coming around him and pushing him back. "Get dressed," he spits out, holding the workout pants that he had managed to pull from her bag before she pushed him away. She stitches them from him and throws them back in her bag. "Fuck off! Get out! I am not going!" she shouts.

Austin shrugs. "I don't care what you wear," Austin grumbles then grabs her and slings her over his shoulder. Lux screams as loudly as she can and wriggles as much as she fucking can. "Put me the fuck down! Don't fucking touch me!" she screams as Austin turns and walks calmly out the patio door. What the fuck is her life?

"Hey," she hears Louis's happy greeting. What the fuck? "Hey...hey, you the guy from the plane!" Austin says stopping to look at Louis as Lux continues to struggle and shout. "Yeah! I am Louis by the way," Louis says. Lux can feel Austin lean forward to shake his hand. "Austin," Austin says happily. "What's going on here?" Louis asks, he is not even attempting to help her. "Crazy bitches, man," Austin says now with a chuckle. Louis laughs and then Austin turns and walks down the steps with her - still struggling. She flicks Louis off which only makes him laugh harder and holds up his coffee cup as a goodbye. Fuck Louis! And fuck Austin too - her struggling is doing nothing to slow him down as he walks toward the beach, her firmly in his grip.

Fucking bullshit.

"Austin put me down!"

Austin slaps her ass and then puts her down. She immediately attacks him, slapping his body as he curled his arms around his body to protect his soft spot while he laughs. "Fuck you!" she shouts, pushing him for good measure - he does not move an inch. "You might want to turn your crazy ass around," he says - still fucking laughing. Lux snaps around then freezes. There are hundreds of people standing in pairs starting at her from the beach. Her family is all looking at her with unsurprised but annoyed faces while the rest of the people who she does not know and suspects is Austin and SShawns'family are also looking at her but their eyes are all wide and their mouths are dropped open. Fuck.

"Lux. Yoga started at 6 am. It was in the itinerary. I would ask if you have read it but I know you have not," Demi says walking up to her. "I haven't read it either to be fair," Austin says from behind her. "Well, I suggest one of you read it so this does not happen again. You are responsible for each other this week," Demi says sternly. Oh, she is not playing. "You want to pack your crazy away and grab a yoga mat?" Shawn says. Lux huffs but storms off to get a yoga mat. "She is not a morning person, give her a break, man," she hears Austin mumble softly to Shawn. Fuck him - she does not need him defending her. She grabs a mat and goes to stand at the back of the group - behind everyone.

"That's not yoga appropriate. Those are silk pajamas - can you be any more exposed?" her mom whispers. Lux looks down at her black silk shorts and camisole pajamas. "Thanks for pointing that out Mother - I appreciate it," Lux snaps at her. "Hey, chill. Both of you," her grandmother says and makes her mother face forward. Austin walks up and throws a mat down next to her. Lux glares at him and moves her mat away, Austin picks his mat up and throws it down next to hers again. "Get away from me," Lux hisses. "Look around, this is partners yoga," he whispers. Lux looks around and then groans, he is right. Everyone is in pairs.

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