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Lux limits herself to one brandy-laced coffee - she is growing up, making better decisions. Also, her mother constantly sticks her head out of her door with an unapproving evil eye. She does, however, consider drinking the brandy clean when Jessica, Hailey, and Petra float out of the room in floor-length huge soft pink dresses that make them look like cupcakes. The bikini does not sound so bad now.

"Come on, Lux, your turn," Demi calls from inside the room while the bridesmaids twirl around and giggle in their dresses. Lux sighs and stands then enters the room of doom. "Do we need to hold you down?" her mother asks holding up a pink dress that is slightly darker than the bridesmaid's ones, but just as poofy. "You will run the risk of being bitten, Mom. Besides, she will do it for me," Demi says taking the dress from their mother and holding it out to Lux. "Go shower, get dressed, and then Tina will do your makeup," Demi says. Lux takes the dress and stamps off to the bathroom, she showers and then slips into the dress, staring at herself in the mirror.

It's pretty. It looks great. That's a lie.

It's a strapless poofy pink princess dress on steroids - she is going to battle to get through the bathroom door. With her olive sunkissed skin and black hair, she looks like an evil villain who has stolen a sweet princess's dress. "Oh! Lux! You look like a princess!" Demi squeals as she comes into the bathroom and starts stripping. Lux would complain about boundaries, but Demi has none. She shoves herself out of the bathroom door and lets Tina do her makeup. By the time her makeup is done Demi is out of the shower.

"Ready?" their mother asks trying to hide her tears. Lux puts her arm around her shoulders - it does not help, it only makes her cry a little harder. Lux helps Demi into her wedding dress then has to clench her jaw when the fucking emotions hit her. She is beautiful. The most beautiful bride Lux has ever seen. Tina fusses over Demi's makeup and Lux gets her mother a shot of that brandy then shoves her into the bathroom and squeeze's her into an overly sequenced caramel dress. "You want me to do your hair?" Lux asks while her mother is fussing over her now messed-up makeup.

"Yes please," her mom says then watches Lux through the mirror. "I am proud of you, Lux. I give you a hard time and I do wish you had become a lawyer...but I am proud of you," her mother says. "I know," Lux says pinning her hair up. "And I love you," her mom says. "I love you too," Lux says handing her another shot of brandy - her rare show of affection brings her mother to tears again.

"I think we did alright...just us girls...right?"

"Yeah, we did alright. You are good-"

"No. Stop, I can't take you being so sweet. It's too much," her mom says taking another shot of brandy while Lux chuckles. "Well then you'll be fucked when I tell you I intend on being around for more Christmas' and other fun-filled family bullshit," Lux says leaning on the bathroom sink and crossing her arms. "You are right, I am fucked," her mom groans grabbing a handful of tissues and patting her face.

There is a soft knock on the bathroom door and Tina appears. "Demi is ready," she says softly. "Come on then," Lux says taking her mom's hand and walking out of the bathroom, both coming to a halt when they see Demi. Fuck, she is beautiful. Lux has to bite her lip and blink her eyes quickly to control her tears while their mother wails beside them. "Think this will do?" Demi asks with a soft smile on her lips. "It will do. It will do very much. You are beautiful Demi, honestly," Lux whispers. Their mother still wailing. "Hey," their grandmother says walking in then freezes too. "You are a stunner, Demi," she says also getting a little emotional. "Thank you," Demi giggles, blushing a little. "Rich is waiting for you outside, honey," their grandmother says softly walking closer and standing next to Lux.

"Rich? Why is he here?" Lux wonders out loud. "He is walking me down the aisle. No Dad, remember. Rich feels like he fills that space," Demi says checking her dress then turning and stepping outside. He fills that space for Demi? Lux's legs betray her and she lowers herself onto the end of the bed. How is she going to do this? If whatever is happening between her and Austin does not end well, how is she going to be around him all the time? The family is tied together by Shawn and Demi, and it's pretty clear they will only grow closer over time. One day Austin may just fall in love with someone else while she has to watch. That girl will be like a sister to Demi. Who will Lux be then? Just an outsider looking in? She bites back her tears, today is not about her and she is strong as fuck - she will deal with that shit when it's time.

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