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Funny coincidence - Austin's New York club is only two blocks down from her shop. She can hear the music pumping softly in the distance. New York is massive, strange that his club happens to be so close to her shop, right?

I am going to Austin's club.

She flicks a text to Louis then her phone rings immediately with him phoning her back.

"He has worked hard on those clubs, burning one down won't fix anything. But, if you need a flame thrower..."

"You got the flame thrower?"

"It was half price. I can't pass up a deal like that. Why are you going to his club?"

Lux tells him about Jeremy and then about her supposed tattoo art in his clubs. Louis says he is shocked, but he does not sound it and Lux knows he has gone to Austin's LA club with Jessica. The music gets louder as she gets closer and when she turns into the club street it looks like the nightclub patrons have spilled out into it. There are people fucking everywhere and a long line that goes on for days of people waiting to get into the club. It will take her at least two hours just to get in. She hasn't got anything better to do so she sighs and joins the end of the line.

"What are you doing, Lux?"

"Standing in line, Louis."

"Go to the front of the line. We are all on the VIP list just tell the bouncer who you are."

"What rock have you been living under? I highly doubt I am on any VIP list."

"You are on my VIP list."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Shut the fuck up, Louis."

"Lux, you do my fucking head in. Go. To. The. Front. Of. The. Line!"

"Ok, calm down," Lux mumbles stepping out of the line and walking to the club doors. There are three massive bouncers - it's overkill but to be fair one is trying to calm a group of a woman begging to get in while the other two are dealing with three drunk guys who have just been thrown out. Lux walks up to the bouncer who is busy trying to calm the women down. He sees her out of the corner of his eye and sighs heavily - he is contemplating all his life choice.

"Back of the line."

"I would, but it's a long line and I don't want to," Lux says. She could make it easier on him and explain the VIP thing but she can't help herself. She likes playing with fire remember? He sighs again and runs his hand over his face. "I am over this shit, I need a break," he groans and then catches one of the women who try and make a break for it while she thought his guard was down. Lux feels sorry for him.

"Look, I don't want to drink or party, I just want to see the art. The tattoos. Then I will be on my way. Quick in and out," Lux says tripping another woman who is trying to sneak by. "Do that shit again and I will ban you from the club," the bouncer says pointing his finger at the unruly woman then turns to Lux. "If it's just the tattoos you are after, the tattoo artist is two blocks down. You can view her tattoo's at her shop. Here," the bouncer says pulling out a business card and handing it to her. "She is an amazing artist but I warn you her waiting list is long - I have been on her waiting list for eighteen months," he says. Lux frowns at him and then looks down at the card in her hand. Her emblem is on it as well as all her details, it's a well-made business card - but she never made it.

"Where did you get this card?"

"The owner of the club hands them out like candy. I keep a stack in my pocket. Now if you don't mind I need to get on with my night."

Lux steps away and looks down at the card again. "You know about this?" she asks Louis, holding up the card. "Yeah, he is not lying about Austin handing them out like candy. He promotes your tattoos like crazy. Where are you going? Get back to the club and get in there or I will come up there and drag you in my fucking self."

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