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Lux walks down her patio steps and then stops when she sees Harry and Pete walking toward her.

"Austin died. There is no other explanation for him sending his goons to escort you like the child you are," Louis snorts from the lawn. He has a pair of scissors and a bunch of bank cards in his hand that he is cutting up.

"What the fuck are you doing now?"


"That does not look like healthy healing."

"It's not healthy healing. But, it makes me happy. I took her cards before I left then canceled them and now I am cutting them up into teeny tiny pieces. You look stupid in that hat."

Lux rolls her eyes and then walks toward Harry and Pete. "Hey, Austin asked us...this is a quote so no stabbing...get that fucking hard-headed cow and make sure she comes to the pool...again his words, not mine," Harry says. "I will still poison you for uttering them," Lux whispers and walks off toward the pool with Pete and Harry trailing behind her at a safe distance. The pool is busy with family all walking around in white Stetsons with their names in different colors on the rim. They happily show off their hats and an uncle or two announce that they were born to be cowboys. Ridiculous.

The pool area is set up a little differently with high round tables stacked with wine glasses and rosé wine in pretty bottles on ice. Lux picks one up and inspects it, the bottle is pretty, and the design is nice. It's a sword with a long rose wrapped around it. Maison 9 - Lux has never heard of it. She is a white wine drinker but honestly, she will drink anything placed in front of her as long as it has alcohol in it. She looks around and sees there is a table set up with resort staff making cocktails with the wine and everyone has a glass in their hand. It must be wedding wine or some bullshit that Demi and Shawn slapped a label on. She pours a glass and takes a sip.  It's clean, dry, and crisp, and it has a well-balanced finish. It's a really good wine. She will ask Demi what its real name is and get a box when she gets back to New York. Although she has no idea how the name relates to the wedding.


Lux looks at Austin who has a cheezy proud smile on his face. Too proud. "Maybe, why?" Lux asks taking another sip. It's good, she may just switch from white to this as her staple intoxication method.

"It's mine."


"It's my wine. I have a vineyard in the south of France and worked closely with some of the best winemakers - that was the result. Maison 9."

Lux stares at Austin for a long time as he stares right back at her then she slowly puts her arm out straight to the side and tips the wine glass. They stare at each other while a thin steady stream of wine pours out of her glass and hits the paving stones next to them slowly. When she can't hear the wine flow anymore she tilts her glass upright again. "It is the worst wine I have ever tasted. You should be embarrassed and you sound like an asshole when you say shit like the south of France," she deadpans, placing her wine glass on the table and walking away. She will never drink rosé of any brand again and then contemplates never drinking any wine again when she hears Austin's soft chuckle.

Did he make his own brand of wine? He has his own fucking vineyard? In France? No, the south of France?

Fuck you life. Fuck you very much.

Lux beelines for the cocktail table and looks over the cocktails. "Give me a drink that does not have that pink shit in it," she says. "I have a white if you would prefer...or a red," Austin says behind her. "Give me a beer," she says to the waiter who reaches under the table and pulls out a beer, opening it before he hands it to her. "Get away from me," she snips to Austin and walks off in a sulk. First, he ruins her song and now he ruins the only thing that has kept her happy. Austin is a fucking asshole. She watches from her isolated spot as people congratulate Austin on his amazing wine and drive it home with words of praise about how he has worked so hard and made a name for himself. It's fucking bullshit. She pulls out her phone and leaves a one-star rating at one of his nightclubs - take that, you bastard.

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