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At breakfast, Lux bats Austin's hands away from her peanut-free muesli as he digs for peanuts. She might also have to protect her eyes from the monstrosity of her grandmother fucking skinning dipping because, "Nothing gets the champion juices flowing better than an early morning swim, Lux!"

She is also keeping her ears blocked while Hailey, Petra, Demi, and Jessica hype themselves up with some chant they learned in their sorority. "Lux, you and Austin need to come up with a team name for the family race," Demi says. "I would like to kill myself without doing that - thank you," Lux snips and bats Austin's fingers away from her muesli again. "Maybe we can make up a name for our team using our intitules, Harry!" Hailey says. "HH?" Harry asks, confused. "Oh that won't work," Hailey says sadly - the girl is gutted. "What about HAY - it's the three letters you guys share," Austin says. "Austin don't engage," Lux says throwing a peanut at him.

"Where did you find that?"

"In my muesli."

Austin gives her a pointed look and takes her bowl of muesli away, replacing it with a banana. "I love that name! HAY!" Hailey shouts. "HAY!" Harry shouts and throws his hands in the air. Lux is not sure if Harry is mocking her or agreeing with her. Lux also does not care enough to ask. "Well, Shawn and I are...the newlyweds!" Demi announces and then giggles when Shawn shoves his tongue down her throat. "Fucking hell," Louis says under his breath as he watches them. He is right. "Well Louis and I are the cream puffs," Jessica says batting her eyes at Louis. Lux opens her mouth but Louis puts up his finger. "Shut up, Lux," he warns.

"Come on, Lux. Chose a name," Demi begs. "Lux and Austin," Lux says. "Boo," Petra says then back peddles when Lux looks at her, "sorry, please don't kill me," Petra squeaks. "Petra and I are the Drepets," Dre says pointing to their white t-shirts that have DREPETS painted on the front in big red letters. "It's fucking weird how you take everything so seriously," Austin says throwing Lux's peanut at him. "Well, my team is called the Golden Girls," Lux's grandmother comes up to their table. She has a towel wrapped around her, thank fuck. "Oh, that's sweet, Lori, why did you choose that name?" Austin asks. "Take me to your room and I will show you," she says pinching Austin's cheek and then walking off. Louis slides a peanut in front of Lux. "With this family of yours we will all understand," he whispers. "Thank you, Lou," Lux says picking up the peanut but Austin grabs it and pops it into his mouth before she can get it close to her mouth. "Your grandmother scares me," Austin says as he chews.

They all make their way down to the beach after breakfast and Lux groans when she sees how seriously everyone is taking this family race shit. Family races are just big puzzle games that require partners to work shit out together and that will be her and Austin's downfall. She and Austin were never any good at that - they will kill each other over that.

"I don't need the instructions, Austin."

"What do you mean you don't need the instructions?"

"Austin, it is a coffee table. Four sides, one top piece, and a bunch of screws. It's not that complicated. Austin."

"There are instructions for a reason."

"Well, Austin, you have been reading the instructions for twenty minutes...Austin. So you keep doing that while I get this shit done. Austin."

Austin puts the instruction manual down, folding his arms and glaring at her. "Stop repeating my name like that. It's condescending," he says. Lux stops pulling open the box and stares him down. They haven't even started building this flatpack coffee table and they are already annoyed with each other.

"Ok, Au-"


Lux puts her hands up in defeat, Austin gives her a pointed look then picks up the instruction manual and starts reading it again. "Austin," Lux says, lathering it with a condescending tone. "Fucking damit, Luxie! Why do you have to push my buttons!" he shouts, throwing the instructions on the floor. "Calm down," she says starting to pull pieces out of the box.

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