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It takes a while for Lux to get her legs to work, but soon enough they find themselves back in her room, peeling off their now sand-riddled clothing and getting into the shower. "Get off me. Why are you always touching me?" Austin asks when she tries to wash the sea sand out of his hair. "Where are your hands, Austin?" she laughs. "On your ass," Austin chuckles, squeezing her ass and pulling her into him, latching onto her neck. He makes it very hard to clean him so she pushes him to his knees and lets him play with his tongue while she washes his hair. She gets soap in his eyes when she cums and he doesn't appreciate that - but there is nothing she can do.

When they are finally out of the shower, after he washes her hair - she was on her knees too, they hear a knock on her door. She wraps a towel around her and walks out of the bathroom. Demi and Shawn are standing on her patio. She opens her patio door and now worry hits her. "Everything ok?" she asks.

"I want a sleepover..."

"A sleepover?"

"Lux, I am getting married tomorrow. I want to sleep here with you tonight."

"Both of you?"

"No, I just walked her over," Shawn says. Lux looks at Demi who is clutching her pajamas to her chest and looking at Lux with a hopeful face just like she did after having a nightmare as a kid and wanted to climb into Lux's bed - she always let her. "Well...come on then," she says. Demi squeals then turns and attaches herself to Shawn. Lux can hear her crying so much she is worried Demi is going to have a seizure.

"Demi...you good?" Lux asks when Demi turns back around to face Lux - she looks like her puppy died. "It's just that I have never spent a night away from Shawn since I met him and I want to have a sleepover with you but my heart is breaking. Breaking! With having to be away from Shawn. He is the love of my life, Lux!"

Lux lets her fall into her arms and tries to comfort her. It's Demi so all Lux's bitchyness flies out the window. "Shawn can sleep on the floor if you like," Lux says softly. Demi cries harder and hugs her tighter. "You are the best sister in the world," she sniffles. "Debatable...but people change," Lux says. "Don't change too much. I like my Lux as is. But no Shawn tonight - just you and me," Demi says detaching herself from Lux and giving Shawn a little wave as she steps inside.

"Wait for me!" Austin shouts out to Shawn as he pulls on his shirt. "Bye," he mumbles into a kiss, winking at Lux before he hops off her patio stairs and walks away with Shawn.

They both change in the bathroom and then climb into bed. Turning the lights off and lying down. "Lux..." Demi whispers. "Yeah," Lux answers rolling onto her side and searching for Demi's hand while their eyes still adjust to the dark.  "Do you think it's weird that I am getting married after only a month of knowing Shawn? I mean, most of our relationship has been about wedding planning...but I am not scared. Not even a little bit. Is that weird?" Demi whispers. "No. I don't think it's weird. When you know you know. I think it's beautiful...damit," Lux whispers and taps her chest softly.

"Still get heartburn after saying something nice?"

"Yeah, it's a real bitch."

"What if this is a mistake?"

"Does it feel like a mistake?"


"Then it's not a mistake, besides, if things don't work out you can just get divorced - it's not a big deal. Cheaper than a wedding."

"But what if we have kids?"

"Then co-parent and don't be dicks about it. Are you getting cold feet?"

"No. Gosh no. I just wanted to know what you think...your opinion matters to me."

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