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Lux wakes up, her eyes darting around and then confusion sets in - where the fuck is she? She feels like shit because she has not had to use her EpiPen in years, and reacting to fucking peanuts takes everything out of her. Her fucked up mind let her dream about Austin fucking her, and she has not allowed that to happen for years either. Both make her feel weak and venerable - she does not like that shit.

She sits up and looks around, where the fuck is she? Her room is nice, really nice, but this room? It's that rich type of fancy. It's the type of room in a hotel that people with too much money get for no other reason but to burn money and looking through the bedroom door she can see it's more of a condo than just a room. It's neat too. She slips out of bed, taking a second to steady her legs, and then pads to the bathroom, screeching to a halt in the doorway. Tabbaco and vanilla - the scent is heavy in the bathroom. This is Austin's room.



She backpedals, grabbing her phone from the nightstand and her bag then rushes out the bedroom door, screeching to halt again when she sees Austin talking to a man at his front door. This place is like a fucking massive condo - kitchen, lounge, patio and it looks like everything screams "Look at me, I am expensive!" She has done well with her business but not this fucking well. Austin has fuck you money and he is not afraid to spend it.

"Thanks for coming. I just want you to check her over and make sure she is ok," he is saying to the man at the door. Great, a doctor. "No need. I am fine and I am heading out," Lux says speed walking to the front door - she will ram-raid them to get past. She slams into Austin in an attempt to get past but only ends up bouncing off him and she is lucky he reaches out to steady her or she would land on her ass. The big dumb giant.

"You can go as soon as the doctor has checked you out."

"No thank you. I will go now."

"You passed out, Lux."

"Thank you for the observation. Move please," she says trying to get past again. "You will let the doctor check you over even if I have to fucking hold you down myself. Do you hear me? I am not playing with you, Lux," Austin says sternly. He says it with so much authority that Lux's body betrays her defiant brain and freezes, even the doctor seems to stand a little straighter.

Tyrant. Austin grew up to be a fucking tyrant.

"Ok," she says softly. For a second Austin looks a little shocked at how quickly she backed down. To be honest, she is shocked too. Austin moves and pulls a chair away from the dining room table and points at it. Lux sits down and lets the doctor fiddle with her. "When was your last reaction?" the doctor asks. "About three years ago. I am careful...or unlucky - depends on my mood," Lux says. "That's why she passed out. It was a big shock to her system," the doctor says turning to Austin. "You gonna issue her another pen?" Austin asks. "Yep. They have improved over the years. The one she had was an average grade at best. I brought some of the top-range ones - they are pricey but they are insane at how brilliant they work," the doctor says rummaging around in his bag. "I want two and can we do more tests? Can we look into doing something that can prevent this altogether?" Austin asks taking the pens from him. "I mean there is research being done all the time, but I can look into it for you. I can get a team of doctors onto it. We can find the best medical care," the doctor says. "Yes. Do that," Austin says. Lux sits quietly while the doctor does whatever doctors do then ignores him when he says his goodbyes and heads out.

"How are you feeling? Ok?"

"What are you playing at?"


"You spoke to the doctor as if you have an investment in my fucking life. A team of doctors doing research for finding the best medical care? Fucking top-grade EpiPens? You just whip out your fancy little card and swipe? I am not your concern, Austin. After this fucking wedding I have no fucking intention of seeing you again. So why the fuck are you acting like you care because we both know you fucking don't! You made that very clear years ago."

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