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Lux wakes up to a sweet songbird on her window sill. Cracking one eye open, she looks at it. It's perched on her window sill singing a beautiful song. It sounds so happy. She reaches over and grabs her water bottle as she sits up in bed. The bird starts to sing louder now that it has an audience. "You are so sweet to wake me up with your happy morning song," Lux says taking a sip of water and then screwing the lid back on tightly and aiming it at the bird. "Wrong fucking window, asshole, do I look like a Disney princess?" she says as she throws the bottle at the bird, it just misses and she hears a lady scream on the street below her window. Oops. Three days Lux. Three days till she gets out of the city and goes to visit LA for a week.

She gets up, showers, then potters around her apartment. She has been pissed off since going to Austin's club a month ago so she has taken this week off too - it's better for everyone that she is not around people. But, now she is sitting around her apartment bored out of her mind. She can't win. She groans when she hears her phone ring and then groans again when she sees it's Demi. Demi phones a lot and now that Lux promised her she will always answer, she can't get out of it.

"Hey," Lux says into the phone then freezes as Demi's sobs come through the phone. She is crying so much that she can't talk. If Shawn has fucked her over Lux is going to kill him. "Demi, calm down. I can't understand what you are saying. Do that breathing thing," Lux says. She hears Demi trying to get a handle on her emotions, it's tough.

"Austin..." Demi chokes out and then starts crying again. Lux feels her heart rate pick up and she panics for a second.

"Austin? Austin what Demi? Speak! You are scaring me!" Lux says frustrated now. "Sorry, sorry," Demi gets out then does that stupid breathing exercise while Lux waits for her on the edge of her seat. Austin what?  What's wrong with Austin?


"Austin and Shawn had a huge fight. They never fight. Now he is not coming and everything is ruined with our announcement and Shawn says he doesn't want to do it anymore," Demi says. She is not making any sense and she is still crying so it makes it hard to even hear her. "Demi, take a breath. Calm down and explain what happened properly," Lux says. She wants to scream at Demi but that would only upset her more and then Lux would never get anything out of her. It takes Demi a full five minutes to calm down enough to make sense - five minutes is not long but it's a fucking lifetime when you have to listen to someone cry in your ear.

"Shawn and I wanted to make a special announcement next week when you are here so we planned this big family BBQ-"

"I told you not to plan any family get-togethers."

"But, we have an announcement!"

"Demi! Fine, fuck. Ok, so you have an announcement and planned a BBQ - what's the problem?"

"Well, Austin said he can't come."

"Because I will be there?"

"I don't know, he didn't say that but he can't come and Shawn is gutted!"

Lux stays quiet. They all know what the announcement is - Demi is pregnant. Everyone has been waiting for her to fall pregnant, she is surprised it's taken them this long, to be honest. She knows why Austin can't come - the firstborn is hers. He is staying away and giving her the firstborn. But, she doesn't want it anymore. Well, she does, but she does not want Austin to stay away anymore. She will have to tell Demi what she has done.


"He comes to everything! Shawn does not do anything without talking to Austin first, they are so close and Shawn does not want to do the announcement without Austin there just like I don't want to do it without you there."

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