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"Is it supposed to be this easy?" Lux whispers while they lie curled around each other in the long grass. "Baby, nothing about this has been easy," Austin says hugging her tighter. "This place is a disgusting display of wealth by the way," Lux mumbles into his chest.

"Did you see my gold gates?"

"They are a monstrosity."

"Thank you," Austin says sitting them up and fishing her face out of his chest while cupping her cheeks.

"I'll do right by you, Luxie. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Good, because this shit show hurt like a motherfucker," Austin says before he kisses her. Lux melts into the kiss then leans back taking Austin with her. "Luxie," he mumbles into her mouth and tries to pull back. "Just let it happen," she says into his lips. "You are a romantic at heart," he chuckles. Lux pulls back and glares at him.

"Fuck off."

"You caught a last-minute flight and then flew halfway across the world to fight for the man you love. If that's not romantic I don't know what the fuck is," Austin says, grinning at her. "You make my heart skip a beat," he mumbles. "Stop saying stupid shit," Lux mumbles and lets him kiss her again. "You are welcome by the way," Lux says. "What for?" Austin pulls back and frowns at her. "For romancing you enough to fall back in love with me," Lux says sitting up and climbing on top of him in a straddle. "You are wrong there, Luxie-girl," Austin says folding his arms behind his head and smirking up at her.

"How am I wrong?"

"Simple - there is no falling back into anything when I never fell out of love in the first place."

"You never fell out of love with me?"

"I didn't and neither did you. I don't think our love will ever die."

"Because we will be together forever and ever! Bitches for life!" Lux announces over dramatically, adding jazz hands for pizzazz. "Stop saying stupid shit," Austin laughs, reaching up and pulling her down to him - kissing her.

Third times a charm

"I don't understand why we have to rush back?" Austin complains as Lux shoves his clothes in his bag while he tries to suck on her neck. "No time for sex Austin! We have to get back for that announcement. It's in 24hrs - the flight alone is 12 hours! Besides, you should be phoning Shawn - not trying to get into my pants," Lux says pushing him away and zipping up his bag. "Fine, but we will fuck on the plane," says taking out his phone. "No. There is no privacy and those plane toilets are tiny," Lux says walking out while he grabs his bag and follows her.

"Money, Lux - we will be in first class, you can do anything in first class."

"You disgust me."

Lux drives them to the airport because Austin is stuck on the phone with Shawn, they are best friends again by the time they get to the airport. "Did you book flights back?" Lux asks as they walk towards one of those private lounges - she has never been in a private lounge. It's fancy. "If we start dating again may I stake a claim on your money? You have a lot of it and I have fruit to buy," Lux asks as she flops down on a very comfy couch. "We are dating and sometimes I don't know what you are saying...fruit?" Austin asks, confused when he floors down next to her. "Yes, fruit," Lux confirms taking out her phone and entertaining herself by leaving one-star reviews on his nightclub websites - it's a habit now and it makes her happy, she will keep him humble.

"Get off your phone," Austins says taking her phone and walking off to the bar. She hopes he comes back with wine. He does and she loves him for it. "I was thinking of buying a private jet, I hate waiting at airports," Austin mumbles as he flops down next to her. Lux does not answer him - he deserves no answer. They don't have to wait too long for their flight to be called and then they get into the boarding line, it's long and now Lux thinks it might be a good idea if Austin does get that private jet. She won't tell him that.

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