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They make it out to the lawn without anyone noticing their absence, she thinks. There are cooking stations set up for two people and a bunch of tables on the side. Demi's exciting dinner is having them cook their own dinner. "You run out of money? Why do we have to cook our own food?" she turns to Austin. "I have enough money to retire right now, pay for everyone's wedding and allow for the next three generations of our family to never have to work," Austin says. "You want to pack your ego in, no one cares," Lux says. "I care, may I renounce my loyalties to Lux and submit my best friend application to you? I may not pull you into nasty little broom cupboards, but I will treat you right...as long as you pay for my love," Louis says walking up behind them. Jessica is fixing her lipstick and Lux widens her eyes at Louis. "I am healing," Louis snips taking Jessica's hand and pulling her away.

"What exactly is Louis healing from?" Austin asks pushing Lux in front of a cooking station.

"He caught his brother fucking his wife."

"Oh shit."

"On their wedding day."

"Fuck off."

"I swear."

"Does...does he know our history?"


Austin frowns at her then looks over at Louis who is helping Jessica pull out shit from a box to cook with. He looks at him for a long time then back at Lux. "He is a bit of a hypocrite," Austin mumbles. Now, Lux has never had many friends, and the friends she has had she has kept at arm's length so slander them she would roll her eyes and go about her day. But, Louis is different and Austin's nasty statement has her anger flaring immediately. Don't fuck around with Louis. "You don't know him. Maybe you should get to know him before you say shit like that," Lux spits out grabbing a bowl. "I know him well enough to catch on that he hates his ex for cheating but leans on his friend who just so happens to be a cheater herself," Austin says cocking his head at the end of his fucked up speech.

Lux can feel her anger wanting to explode. There are two things she can do now. One, be the grown-up she is and understand he is hurt, as she is. Two, act like a child and sling a toxic shot at him. "If you are jealous that Jessica gave him head just say so. You got what you wanted from me, you can move along. No one is stopping you," she snaps. Two then, she has chosen option two. She is a child. She faces away from Austin, waiting for him to sling a shot at her - it's how this thing goes.

"Sorry. Sometimes my emotions get the better of me and my mouth runs off. I am still working on that," Austin's soft voice comes at her. She snaps her head to him, shocked at his adult response. She knows that would have taken a lot of self-control to say. She was expecting him to smother her in the toxicity that had been rumbling. "Also, just so you know, I never slept with you to get something from you. My body has a mind of its own when you are close. I am aware that we have complicated this...but, you make me lose my mind, Luxie. I can't think straight when you wet your lips," he adds. He pulls her into him gently and looks down at her. What is happening?  How is he so fucking mature?

He lets her go when someone puts a box of ingredients on their workstation and rummages in it. "What are we going to cook?" he mumbles. It takes Lux a moment to get her wits about her again. She and Austin used to fight about every tiny thing so it's weird that there has been an apology and now they are just going to move on. It never happened in the past.

"I saw it, Luxie! With my own fucking eyes!" Austin shouts. It's embarrassing, they are in the middle of a fucking bar and he can't keep his emotions in check long enough to walk out and talk quietly. She could turn and walk out - he would follow her and they could have this fight in private. But, why the fuck would she do that? She will embarrass him too. One for one. "You didn't see shit!" she shouts back at him.

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