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Lux gets off in the bathroom to the memory of Austin's hand on her thighs. She has been fussing in this bathroom for half an hour so she smiles when she opens the door. Her slowness is sure to have left Austin pissed off so she fully expects a few bitchy words from him when she steps out onto the patio. She is severely disappointed when she finds him playing a game of catchers with some kids on the lawn. He is smiling and laughing, he looks happy and it pisses Lux off.

"Sweet guy. They just make them like that anymore," Louis says from his patio. "You are a bitches ass, Louis. You are meant to hate him," Lux says. "I tried but with those baby blues - it's impossible," Louis says, laughing.

"What color eyes does your ex have?"

"Brown. The color of shit."

"Boo for you. Come with us to the pool, we can have dinner later and then you can come with us to karaoke."

"I would like to enjoy my pity party - not find reasons to kill myself. Go away now."

Lux rolls her eyes. Louis is looking a little worse for wear right now. He talks a big game but she can see his shit has taken a toll on him - of course it would. His wife and brother? That's fucked up.

Lux walks down her steps and then past Austin without stopping. She hears Austin saying goodbye to the kids as they groan then runs to catch up with her. "You look nice," he says from behind her. "Go fuck yourself, Austin," Lux says as the pool comes into view. The area is full of their family and other resort guests so she finds a sun chair between random resort guests. She is here and that is all Demi asked of her - she will be ignoring everyone for the remainder of the afternoon and through dinner too if she can, karaoke too. She slathers sun cream on, then sits back and closes her eyes.

She groans internally when someone stands in front of her, blocking out the sun. If it's not a waiter offering her a drink they will die today. "L-Lux..." she hears Hailey's nervous voice come at her. "What?" Lux asks, her eyes still closed in the hopes Hailey will catch a hint and fuck off. "We have a favor to ask of you," Petra's voice comes at her. Fuck. Lux opens her eyes and sees all three bridesmaids standing in front of her. Jessica who has never spoken a word to her is half-hidden behind Petra with shaky legs. Is she that unapproachable? When Petra does not say anything further Lux raises her brows at them.

"We, uh, we want to do a dance for Demi and Shawn at the wedding reception. We have worked out the choreography and everything."


"We thought maybe you-"


"Go to the meeting point, girls. She will do it. We will meet you there," Austin's voice comes flying at her, she sits up and glares at him.

"Those are Demi's best friends, Lux."


"So they are special to her and that means you need to put a little effort in with them. They want to do this for Demi and Shawn. It's stupid, cringe-worthy even. Pete and Harry have to throw back three drinks each just to get through the rehearsals - but Demi and Shawn mean that much to them. Hell, I am even talking to you for them."

Lux frowns, Austin confuses her so fucking much. She had loved him with all her heart and still he never so much as bought her a flower except that one time but it landed up in a fight because she knew he was hiding something and he was only trying to soften her. But, here he is prepared to make a fool of himself for three girls that are not even his friends. So basically, he is prepared to put effort into everything and everyone except her. It's a fucking degrading thought - she was never good enough, go figure.

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