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France is beautiful, sorry, the South of France is beautiful. She passes tons of rich-looking houses and beautiful fields. There are food stalls on the side of the road selling fresh farm goods and people riding bikes with baskets on the front of them with meadow flowers and groceries in them. It's romantic - that sweet sticky romance only French lovers can ooze. It's also contagious and Lux feels like she wants to pull her car off to the side, gather all the couples walking hand in hand, and break out in a dance like they do in those romantic musicals - she bets they do that here. Making her way out of the city only brings more beauty and she gets why that sentimental idiot of hers chose this place to make his holiday destination.

She drives up Fleur Road and then eventually pulls off to the side of the road when she sees big gold gates. They are huge and over the top. They scream money - Austin can't do anything normal. She sighs and gathers her courage then drives through the gates. His estate is huge and she drives for a good few miles through vineyards before she sees a house come into view. It's big, but it's nice. Very romantic. She pulls up outside the front of the house then climbs out and walks up to the front door. It's now or never. She bangs on the front door then takes a step back and waits.

The front door swings open slowly and a woman appears. "Oh...uh...Bonjour?" Lux greets her. "Bonjour," the woman greets her back, she is smiling and looks pleased to see Lux. French people are nice. "I am looking for Austin," Lux says. The woman frowns and then goes to open her mouth. "Oh! You probably don't understand a thing I am saying, wait, just wait," Lux says holding up her finger and rummaging in her bag for the translator book. "Ok...just give me a second," she says flipping through the book.



"No. We said that already," Lux says flipping through the book again. "Does, does...where the fuck is does? Oh, here! Fait..." Lux says and then looks up. The woman frowns at her.


"Just wait! I am looking for the words!  You don't understand me, why am I talking to you?" Lux mumbles while she looks for the other words she needs. She finds them and looks up at the woman.

"Fait...Austin...en direct...ici? Does Austin live here? Fait Austin en direct ici?" Lux asks the woman. Her pronunciation is probably all fucked up but she can't do anything about that nor can she do anything about the woman way the woman is now looking at her as if she is on fire.

"Oui il le fait," the woman eventually says. "What? What the fuck does that mean? Yes? No?  That was more than one word. I don't even know how to spell those words, how the fuck am I supposed to look them up? Ok...just wait," Lux says flipping through the book, it's fucking stressful.

"It might be easier if you just speak to me in English."

Lux snaps her head up and glares at the woman. "You can speak English?  Why the fuck did you leave me to go through all that French translation shit?" Lux snaps throwing the book over her shoulder. "You were trying so hard, I didn't want to discourage you. I take it that you are Lux, right?" the woman says. Lux gives her a suspicious look. "Yes..." she says eventually. "You didn't get lost from Demi's directions, good for you," the woman says, smiling again. Lux knew it! Demi had gone into detail as to how to get here hoping Lux would come get Austin. Sneaky bitch. Is there even an announcement? She will be pissed if there isn't.

"Is Austin around and who are you?"

"Austin is around and I am Austin's housekeeper, Sansa."

Of course Austin has a housekeeper. "Well, I need to see him," Lux says. Sansa's smile widens and she steps outside. "It's about time, Lux. Come, he is in the vineyard, I will take you to him," Sansa says leading Lux to a golf caddy. Has everyone got an opinion on their relationship?  Lux gets into the golf caddy and Sansa speeds off down the road past the house, deeper into the vineyard. Eventually, they go around a corner and Lux sees Austin standing near a vine looking at his grapes like a wise old winemaker. Sansa brings the golf caddy to a stop near him.

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