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The club is busy by the time they get there, they are late because they found another bottle of wine and she let Austin make a mess of her again after they had ordered dinner. So by the time they arrive, everyone is well on their way to rehab. It's not a nightclub, just a bar on the beach with a local band playing live music - but the atmosphere is nice. Austin is engulfed by the boys and pulled to the bar where lines of shots wait for him while Lux is dragged to a table that Demi and her girls have already filled with cocktails. Demi points out a white wine and then squeals when Lux chooses a blue cocktail with an umbrella in it - she is in a good mood so why not?

"I didn't have a bridal shower, just no time so this is it!" Demi says excitedly. She has a fake crown on her head and a white bridal sash. Jessica, Petra, and Hailey all have bridesmaid's sashes on too, and Alice bands with little dicks that wobble around on wire springs. This means only one thing so Lux groans and takes a sip of her cocktail. "Go on then," she says. They attack her and by the time they step back, she has a sash and little dicks bouncing around on the top of her head. "This calls for a shot!" Jessica says and by magic, a happy Harry appears with a tray of shots then disappears. Every time they take a shot Jessica, Petra, Hailey, Demi, and a few female cousins shout out inspirational quotes and then whoop when they are done - normally it would annoy Lux but she finds herself rolling her eyes and laughing.

Her eyes flick to the bar where Austin is, they are all laughing and Lux can feel the heat from Austin's smile as he talks and carries on with his friends and brother, Louis too. Lux smiles, she likes that they have made friends. She knows Austin makes friends easily, but Louis is like her and she knows he has been a loner for most of his life - Austin and his friends include him and now it looks like he has been part of their little group for years.

It's a good night and Lux can't seem to drop the smile from her face - sometimes it's good just to let life happen she supposes then jumps in her seat when Demi and her girls scream. "I love this song!" Demi screams following the girls as they all dash to the dance floor. Lux watches with a grin while they dance drunkenly and scream the song at each other at the top of their lungs. Demi looks happy, really happy. "You not joining them?" Louis asks as he leans on the table next to her. "Not drunk enough. You look happy," Lux says tapping her glass on his.

"I am. There was a time I didn't think I would ever get over my shit."

"Then you met Jessica."

"No. I met you. You're my girl, Lux."

Lux smiles at him, rolling her eyes fondly and bumping her shoulder with his. "Don't go getting all soft with me, cream puff," she says. "Not soft, just truthful," Louis says taking a sip of his beer, kissing her temple then walking back to the boys at the bar. Lux's eyes follow him then her heart drops when she sees two beautiful women making a beeline for Austin. Not this shit again. She does not want to watch him pretend not to flirt with other women while passing it off as just being friendly.

She watches as one woman taps Austin on the shoulder and he turns around with a big smile. They say a few words to him while biting their lips and batting their eyelashes shamelessly at him. Austin stands listening to them, his smile friendly, but he looks a little guarded. Maybe he has not changed as much as he says he has. She watches as he places his hand on his chest and talks to the woman then he points to Lux. Lux is caught off guard and looks around confused and slightly uncomfortable now that both women are looking at her with dirty looks. They say something to Austin that makes that friendly smile of his drop, his face now stormy.

Louis pops up next to Austin and says something that offends both women who gasp and walk off in a huff while Austin and Louis laugh. Austin then throws his arm around Louis' shoulders and they turn back to the bar. "That boy is so ridiculously gone for you it's almost pathetic," Demi says falling into her chair along with her girls. "I agree! We threw some of our best stuff his way and nothing!" Petra says. A pang of guilt hits Lux's chest, her little game had been unfair to Jessica. "I am sorry if you got hurt in this...thing, Jessica," Lux says, pushing down her heartburn - being nice hurts. "Oh...yes, yes, sure," Jessica says looking shifty-eyed. "I put them up to it. I thought you would get jealous and realize you still love Austin and work your shit out," Demi says while her girls all nod.

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