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She stalks down to the beach and sits on the rocks, opening the wine and sipping from it as she watches the resort staff set up tables in the shallow waters. The sea is so flat that there are no waves and so some sorry saps will be having dinner in the sea. She knows she will be part of those sorry saps, but she is still in denial. She hears groaning from behind a big rock so when she peeps over she sees one of her cousins fucking one of Austin's cousins. This is not good for her. The more her family gets involved with Austin's the harder it will be to get him out of her life. "He has crabs, well at least that's what his last three girlfriends said," Lux says sitting down on the top of the rock. Austin's cousin screams and covers herself. "She is lying," her cousin says trying to get the woman to calm down. She does not and storms off.

"You were never able to keep it in your pants, Chance."

"Fuck you, Lux. Give me some of that," Chance says climbing up the rock and taking the wine bottle from her. "I was not expecting you to show up for this wedding," Chance says.

"Me? I would never miss a family event. I love my family."

"You tried to drown me when we were kids because I played with your frisbee."

"Don't touch my stuff and I let you up for air eventually, because I love ya."

"Well, then those girls are fucked then."

Lux looks to where Chance is pointing. Austin is standing under a tree on the lawn talking to the three bridesmaids. He looks like he is trying to be careful with his words and his face looks genuinely concerned. They nod as he talks and then they eventually each take a turn in hugging him, even Jessica. He is such a fucking flirt. He says one thing and does another. He will probably fuck each of them before the end of the week.

"He is not my thing," she says grabbing the wine bottle back from him. Chance snorts then jumps off the rock, "Ok, Lux," he mocks her and walks off. She should have drowned him when she had the chance. She would have even escaped jail, she was only five. She sips on her bottle watching Austin when he looks around then stops and speaks to Chance who turns and points at Lux. Chance better not find her near water again, she will fucking drown him. Austin walks slowly over to her with his fingers in his pockets and his thumbs hanging out. If she was nineteen she would think it's sexy, now she just thinks it is stupid. He stops in front of her and looks up.



"I don't want to fight with you tonight. Demi has put a lot of effort into tonight and I don't want to ruin it for her."

"Then you should not say stupid shit. Better yet, stay the fuck away from me."

Austin bites his lip then looks away, over the sea then back at her. "I am over it...but I think seeing you drudges up old feelings," he says.

"It was ten years ago."

"Well...maybe it's because I never got any closure. You just...walked away...not a fucking word."

"What? You want details?"

"Fuck no."

"What then?"

"I just don't want to fight. We have five days left of this shit. Four if you don't count the day after the wedding...technically three if you don't count the wedding day - we will be busy with our siblings."

"I want birthday parties and the first birth. You can have everything else."


"Demi and Shawn are going to have babies. It's a wonder she is not already pregnant with the way Shawn shoves his tongue down her throat. I want their birthdays and the first birth."

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