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"How fucking much?"

"Two thousand."

"Two thousand! For one fucking peach? Why? Did the Queen shit it out of her ass?"

"It's by some famous artist, Louis. He has a gallery in LA and his fruit is rare."

"Who is the artist?"


"He can't be that famous, I have never heard of him, and his fruit is not rare it's just that no one has bought them because no one is stupid enough to spend that much of crystal fucking fruit."

"I bought it."

"Oh, my apologies - you are the one person stupid enough."

"I am healing."

Louis goes quiet on the other end of the line. It's been three months since the wedding and Louis had to go back to LA - back to his life and his job. But, they have remained close and talk every day. Their co-dependent relationship demands it. Lux has even gone as far as contemplating moving back to LA. But, she is trying to remain the badass bitch she is, and she is for the most part until she thinks about Austin and then she falls apart again like a little bitch.

It's different this time. The last time she could latch onto her anger and with hate fueling her actions it was much easier to get on with life. But, there is no anger or hate this time, only the acknowledgment that she fucked up and has to live with it. So sadness is the feeling she sits in and frankly, it pisses her off so hopefully over the next ten years she can turn it back into anger.

Austin has not attempted to reach out to her and Demi says he seems happy and busy so Lux has to deal with the fact that she has no more chances left with him. She tries to convince herself that he has no more chances left with her either and she is happy - but, that is a bald-faced lie. She won't reach out to him though, he wants nothing to do with her and she has too much fucking pride. This is her life now - fucking great.

She has missed two family gatherings and you best believe that her mom was on her ass about her not showing up, but Demi let slip that Austin was attending and she just felt he needed more time so she was trying to give him that. She promised her mom she would come for Christmas and Demi is staying tight-lipped about the plans and who is coming but it's seven months away. That's a problem for another day. She is going to LA next month for a week to visit, but she made Demi and her mother swear to no family gatherings - they are like vaulters and will call every fucking person remotely related to them for a BBQ. She is not keen on seeing Shawn because he has Austin's DNA - but again, that's a problem for another day.

Right now she is trying to focus her shit on something else and that just so happens to be collecting the rest of the fruit that match the apple and the banana she got from Austin. The peach is the cheapest at two thousand, there is a pineapple for ten thousand and a bunch of grapes for twelve thousand. The apple had been four thousand and the banana was nine thousand. All because some asshole had slapped his name on it and called it art. But she wants them so fuck it.

"Fine, who am I to judge? I just canceled my ex's hair appointment that she had booked months ago. I feel great about it."

"You still fucking with her?"

"I get bored."

"Is that why you sent me a picture of a flame thrower?"

"Yes, and...just so we are on the same page - still a no on the flame thrower?"

"Yes. Wait...yes. No flame thrower."

"Well, what if I get it and let you play with it when you get here?"

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