Bonus Chapter

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Twoish years later...

Lux lifts her head as her front shop door shoots open. "What's up cream puff?" Lux mumbles and goes back to her client. "You getting a tattoo of a lama on your arm?" he asks Lux's client as he studies his tattoo with a judgmental face. "No, it's my wife," Lux's client defends his tattoo. "You married a Lama?" Louis asks looking at Lux's client in shock. "No!  She is a human woman," Lux's client groans. "Well, I hate to break it to you bud but your tattoo artist is fucking up your tattoo. That is a lama," Louis says inspecting the tattoo. Lux stops then picks up the reference photo and shows Louis. "This is a lama," Louis says matter-of-factly holding up the photo for the client to see. "That's what I said," Lux mumbles getting back to finishing off his lama.

"She just has a long neck," the client says. Lux stops tattooing again and sits back, raising her brows at her client. "Really?" Lux challenges him. "You can be honest, this is a safe space," Louis points to a sign Lux has hanging on her wall that says This is a safe space. The client groans and drops his head. "Ok! Fine! She looks like a lama!" he groans. Louis pats him on his back and hands him the photo of his lama wife. Lux chuckles and then finishes off his tattoo while Louis grabs a beer from her fridge in the back. Her client loves his lama and books another appointment before he rushes off to show off his tattoo.

"So?  Why did you ask me to meet you here?" Louis asks as Lux starts packing up. "Your brother and ex got married last week and have left for honeymoon," Lux says while Louis sips his beer. "I know. It's just not right that they get a happy ending," he mumbles messing up the ink pots she had just sorted. Lux bats his hand away and rolls her eyes.

"Well, from what I heard from Jessica in great detail last night - you get lots of happy endings."

"I do. But, that's not the topic. It pisses me off that those two assholes get a happy ending too and I have run out of ideas - I haven't made their life hell in months. It's a dam shame,"

"Good thing you have me," Lux says finishing off her cleaning, grabbing her bag, and flashing Louis a grin. "You have something up your sleeve?" Louis asks perking up.

"Have I ever let you down?"


"It is our twoish year friendship anniversary and I have a gift for you," Lux says opening her door and ushering Louis out. They stand on the sidewalk outside her shop while Louis tries to guess what Lux has planned for him - she stays tight-lipped, but he will find out soon enough. Suddenly two big back SUVs skid to a halt in front of them, Austin leaning out the window with one arm dangling. "How much for the pretty black-haired one?" he asks with a cheezy grin. He is proud of his joke. "You can have her for free, I however am priceless," Louis says. "That you are, Lou, that you are," Austin says hoping out of the car and attaching himself to Lux. "Hey, baby," he says dipping his head and kissing her. "Hey," Lux mumbles back.

"We are wasting time!" Demi says climbing out of the other SUV with Hailey, Petra, Jessica, and Dre. They are all dressed in black with black war paint streaks under their eyes. They always go over bored. "I like this," Louis says pulling a giggling Jessica into him. "You guys have everything ready to go?" Lux asks when Austin lets her go. "We picked only the best," Shawn walks out from behind the SUV with his and Demi's baby girl strapped to his chest, Demi is already pregnant again. They are popping out babies like tick-tacks. Their baby is also in black and so is Shawn. "Come on!  Let's get this show on the road - Pete and I have dates later!" Harry pops his head out of one of the SUV windows.

Everyone climbs in and they speed toward the residential area.

"I have a question," Louis says raising his hand as they drive. "Ask your question, Lou," Austin says.

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