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It feels like they have been falling forever and Lux has not stopped screaming once. The wind is whipping at her so hard and Austin is still fucking laughing. Is he laughing? He must be freaking out and losing his mind. She lifts her head out of his chest and looks at his face. He is laughing. He has a fat smile slapped on his face and she can see all his teeth as he laughs. She can see the river rushing towards them then she clings tighter to Austin as he lets go of her, putting his arms above his head and letting his fingertips just touch the surface of the river. She squeezes her eyes shut and braces for the two-second impact before everything goes back and they die.

But, instead, she feels the ropes around their ankles go tight and then they are suddenly slung back up into the air. "Woah!" Austin lets out then starts laughing and curls his arms around Lux as they shoot back up. They didn't die!  But, now they keep going up and Lux starts screaming again. Then her stomach flip-flops as gravity catches them again and they start falling. Lux takes a breath and starts screaming again while Austin does not stop laughing. This happens six times, each time their accent and descent are a little slower, and about halfway through Lux finds the courage to open her eyes. It's not scenic, it's not beautiful and she can't make out top from bottom. But, Austin does not stop fucking laughing - he is having the time of his fucking life.

Eventually, they stop bouncing and are now just hanging upside down about twenty meters in the air.

"Fuck! That was amazing!"

"Are you fucking insane? That string snapped!  We are lucky to be alive!"

"What? This string?" Austin asks holding up the broken string in his hand. "Yes. Keep that for evidence. We will use it to sue the fuckers," Lux says. Austin starts laughing again. "It was just a joke. The string was attached to nothing," he gets out between his laughing. "Are you fucking kidding me! I am going to fucking kill you, Austin!" Lux shouts. She would curl her fingers around his neck if she could let go of him, she thinks her fingers are fused into his skin - she hopes it fucking hurts. Her body is shaking with adrenaline. Austin wipes his laughing tears and then captures her face in his hands. "Maybe so but you would get bored with me any other way, Luxie, I know you - you like spicy," he says then hums a laugh as he kisses her. She kisses him back, but only because she is happy to be alive.

They get lowered into a boat in the middle of the river and the jump assistants undo the ropes around their ankles then Austin pulls her into him, kissing her softly and forcing her to soften and accept his heartfelt apology while he still chuckles.

"You proud of yourself?"


When they climb off the boat the bridesmaids and Demi rush to her side gushing about how exciting their jumps were. "You screamed so loud, Lux," Demi says. "Please tell me he did that string shit on you," Louis says walking up to them. "He fucking did," Lux says. "My man," Louis says patting Austin on the back and walking back to the family group with him as they chuckle. Well, that's fucking bullshit.

They wait for the rest of the family to jump and then climb back on the bus and head back to the resort for lunch. "You want to keep this? Put it in a scrapbook?" Austin asks holding up the broken string. Lux grabs the string and throws it out the window then watches Louis' fist come slowly between the seats, Austin gives him a fist pump. Lux kneels on the seat and glares at Louis.

"You fucking traitor."

"You get what you deserve. You brought me into your bullshit."

"You are my best friend so my fucking bullshit is your fucking bullshit and your fucking bullshit is my fucking bullshit."

Louis grins at her and waves her away. "Leave now before I tell you that our friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me," Louis says. "Aww, you are so sweet," Jessica says taking his hand. "Not sweet, but yes," Louis says letting Jessica slide her hand over his chest. "Disgusting," Lux says then sits back down in her chair. "It's nice that you have friends. I used to worry about you. Everyone needs a close friend," Austin says. It's true, Lux has never been any good at making friends - she hates people, but she is not always the bad guy.

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