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By the time they all arrive at the bottom of his patio steps, Louis is glaring at Lux while Lux flashes her best smile at him. "Hi, Louis. This is my family. This is my sister Demi, her soon-to-be baby daddy Shawn, then there are the groomsmen - Harry, Dre and you know Austin. The bridesmaids - Hailey, Petra, and Jessica. My grandmother, don't look directly into her eyes. That's my mother and those are Austin's parents, Rich and Jody. Everyone, this is Louis and he is my bestest best friend in the whole wide world," Lux says in the sweetest most sugary voice she can muster up. "Hi," everyone says as Louis keeps his glare on Lux.

"One of the groomsmen had to go home and I was telling my dear sister here that you would happily fill in for him. It would mean the world to her."

"Not a fucking chance."

"Oh, go on, don't be like that, Lou-Lou pie," Lux says trying to hide her laugh.

"Louis and I would rather wash my eyes out with acid and then throw myself off a cliff, and then I hope I survive the fall so I can enjoy a long painful death."

Demi squeals then jumps up and down as she claps her hands. "You are just like Lux!  I can see why you are best friends!  It's so sweet!" Demi says excitedly. "I do not know that woman," Louis says pointing to Lux. "Umm, hi," Jessica's soft timid voice comes from the side of Lux. Lux watches as Louis tries to keep his glare on her but it falters and his eyes flick to Jessica. His glare softens. Oh, hello, sir. "Umm, I am Jessica and I would be your partner," she says then looks down shyly. "She can put her feet - ooof!" Hailey starts but Lux's elbow to her stomach and shuts her the fuck up. Jessica walks gingerly up the stairs as Louis watches her and then approaches him carefully. "Careful, he bites," Lux says, Louis keeps his eyes on Jessica but flips Lux off. "I hope so," Jessica giggles and blushes.

"What is happening?" Austin whispers. "Life, Austin, just fucking life," Lux whispers back watching Jessica bat her lashes timidly at Louis as he looks her up and down with a serious face. It's a disgusting display of the perfect amount of dominance and submissive. "You would be helping me too, I would be all alone for the next two days," Jessica whispers.

"All alone?"

"Yes, I need a partner for the activities and I will have to sit them out if I don't have a partner...it would make me sad."

"It would make you sad?"

"Mhmm," Jessica says twirling her hair around a finger and pouting. It's a disgusting display - Lux regrets taking part in any of this.

"Well...I would not want you to be sad."

Jessica squeals and throws herself at Louis who catches her. Demi, Petra, Hailey, and Lux's mom squeal too then start running up the stairs. "Stop! If any of you hug me I will poison the fucking wine at your wedding," Louis warns them but they don't listen and pile into a group hug, Louis trapped in the middle. Lux would help, but she does not want to for two reasons. One, she does not want to run the risk of getting trapped in that group hug, and two, Louis' ex can go fuck herself while Louis hopefully experiences Jessica's freaky side.

"Get off me," Louis mumbles pushing everyone except Jessica away. "Ok!  Let's go!" Demi shouts. They all make their way to the bus while Lux stays at least ten paces away from Louis who is still glaring at her. "What are we doing today?" she asks Austin who frowns.

"You don't know?"


"Oh, ok. Well, I don't know then either - but I am going to love this."

Lux glares at him. He knows, but he is being an ass so she kneels on her seat and turns around. "What are we doing today?" she asks Louis. "I don't know and even if I did I would not tell you?" Louis says, still glaring. "Oh we are going-" Jessica starts but Louis cuts her off. "No, don't tell her. Let her stew in the world of the unknown."

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