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"Luxie!" Austin calls as he opens the front door. "I am in the bath!" she shouts out. She watches the door until Austin pokes his head in. He looks beat down as he steps in and sits down on the edge of the bath, his face telling Lux that his day had not gone well. "How did it go?" she asks softly. Austin does not have it in him to speak so he just shakes his head slowly. "Get in the bath with me, in front of me," she says sitting up and making space for him between her legs while he strips then climbs into the hot water, letting out a soft sigh. Lux undoes his top knot, raking her fingers through his long frizzy brown hair then downs her glass of wine. She dips her glass into the water, filling it then pouring it softly over his hair. His hair coils into tight curls the second the water touches it. She sinks her fingers into his hair pressing on his scalp as she washes it with shampoo then washes it out with her wine glass.

She runs her fingers through his hair again with conditioner then switches to a comb. "Some woman would give their right tit for hair like this," she whispers. She would love a slight curl to her dead-straight black hair. Austin laughs softly then sighs again. "They said they would not invest a dollar on me...said they can't take me seriously with my tattooed skin and fucked up hair. They said that straight to my fucking face. I made poster boards like a fucking teenage schoolgirl. I wore a fucking suit...I fucking hate suits," he mumbles. Lux sits with him quietly for a while as she rakes the comb through his beautiful hair. "I am in love with your hair," she whispers, her heart thumping against her chest. Austin freezes and then turns his head to look at her.

"You are?"


"How long have you been in love with my hair?"

"Somewhere between our first and second drink."

"That late?"

Lux bites her bottom lip as she grins, she knows she is blushing. Fuck, he makes her soft. Any other man and she would shave his fucking head. Austin turns around and crawls over her, pushing her back as he settles between her thighs. "I knew I was in love the second you walked through the door," he whispers dipping his head and kissing her as he pushes into her. His thrusts are long and gentle as he lifts his head to look down at her, his tight wet curls falling around their faces and creating a little cave. "I am fucked, Luxie-girl...there is no coming back from you," he whispers.

Lux shakes the memory from her head while she sucks on her cigarette and she watches the hoard of people walk down the beach toward her. Fucking family, and now with Austin's family in the mix it has doubled in size - it's what fucking nightmares are made of. They meet her on the docks, all chatting excitedly except her mother who is hanging behind big sunglasses and hiding from the sun under a huge hat like the vampire she is. Serves her right for chugging down cocktails and singing karaoke like she is in her twenties. Austin is quiet too and he looks slightly queasy. Without thinking Lux reaches into her bag and pulls out two soft mints, dropping them into his hand. "I love a man who loves his breath minty fresh," Petra says with a giggle as she twirls her hair around his finger, pushing up against Austin.

"He gets seasick. Mints calm his nausea," Lux says lighting another cigarette. "Lux! Not around Uncle Kitt!" her mother says snatching the cigarette out of her hand and stamping on it. Lux, Austin, all his boys, and the bridesmaids turn to look at Uncle Kitt who waves back at them behind his oxygen mask and then raps on his oxygen tank with his knuckles. "Is that your doing?" Austin asks Lux with a cock of his head as he stares at Uncle Kitt. "Sadly no," Lux says then walks onto the boat. Austin follows closely behind her and looks a little green as he flops down next to her.

"If you get sick on me I will punch you in the fucking throat."

"Thank you for your kind words. Give me another mint."

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