The Bearer Pt. 1

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Arthit-Mafia leader/top


"You know, I try to be nice. I really do. Yet...people like you take my kindness and abuse it." Arthit says as he paces back and forth in front of his guest. A middle age man, who decided to take on some gambling debt, and now can't pay it back. A gambling debt of over 500,000 bhat. He is 31 and head of the Thai mafia. His grandfather who had been ruling over it passed away just 6 months ealier.

He looked young, and had pale skin, an angelic face. When first looking at him, nobody would every think he was the don of Thailand biggest mafia.

"I'm sorry, I really am! I swear I will pay you back, in full" he says trying to get up off his knees. Arthit men had roughen him up, pretty good. He had a black eye, busted lip, and a bruised cheek. If Arthit had to guess he might even have bruising under his clothes as well.

"Oh really? Didn't you say that last time your payment due date come up?" Arthit sat down in his chair tapping his chin pretending to think.

"This time I swear I will. My mother just died. She left me everything in her will. You can have it all." Kerkkrai says. He was sobbing, snot running down his lips as he kneeled on the floor in front of Arthit.

"What is all?" Arthit asked tilting his head.

"She left me her home, her business and 1 million bhat. I am just waiting for the lawyers to settle everything. I should have it by the end of the week." The man begged.

"what do you guys thing?" Arthit says looking at this top generals.

"I say let's trust him. Gives us time to look into his story." Bright says, typing away on his computer. Bright was head all online source. His job was to track down people, keep tabs on the money, do background checks etc..

"I say we kill him now" Perm says cleaning under his nails with his knife. Perm beat up and or killed people at Arthit command.

"Aww he looks so cute begging. You can give him to me if he can't pay" Tutah said. He was head of Arthit sex ring. Arthit owned half of the strip clubs in Bangkok and everyone employee there was willing, to a point.

"I want to hear what he plans to do if he can't pay at the end of the week." Knott said, flipping through a book. Knott was the "father" of the group. Keeping everyone in line. Some think he was he leader with his cool head and soft-spoken woods. His buff physical appearance didn't help either.

"Well? Answer the man." Arthit says getting impatient.

"My son...I have a son Kongpob. He is 21, in his third year of college. You can have him till my lawyers finalize everything." Now this pissed Arthit off. He hated with a passion when people tried to trade their children to pay off their debt.

"You would really trade your son to safe your own ass?!" Arthit hissed at him.

"Other than being a bearer he is useless to me. He is blind. He could be useful to you through!"

"The fuck is wrong with you?! Your son is blind, and you want to trade him?" Tutah yelled. The whole room went quite, except for the man sobbing on the floor.

"Fine. We will hold onto your son till next Friday. If you don't come up with the money to pay the debt, you die." Knott says. Arthit looked at Knott confused. Arthit had a rule. No trading children. His grandfather had the same rule. Knott didn't bother to look up from his book, but he knew his friend was pissed. "The boy would be better with us, then this fucker. You know as well as I the marker for a bearer." Arthi took a deep breath, then another, and another.

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