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**mostly smut, some fluff at the end lol**



Kong sat on a couch, legs stretch wide in front of him, crossed at the heels. His left arm laying against the back of the couch holding a class of scotch. His right arm was bent at the elbow leading on the arm hand balled in a fist as his cheek resting against it. Anyone passing by would look at him and see a very relaxed man. And they would be wrong. He was anything but relaxed. He has watched for the last hour, his boyfriend of seven years, dance and flirt with both men and women alike. Allowing them to grind their disgusting bodies against his.

He couldn't blame them Arthit was the definition of sex. With his milky white skin, bright hazel eyes, raven black year, and bright charming smile. That was one of the reason he was spotting a massive hard on right now. Arthit had on tight black leather pants, and a white button-down shirt, the top four buttons undone. He knew the moment he saw his boyfriend that he was up to something.

He watched as yet another man walks up behind his boyfriend, resting his hands on his hips as he grinds his clothed cock against his boyfriends ass. Kong watched as Arthit looked back smiling at the man urging him on. Kong hand squeezed around the glass he was holding, seething. When the man lean down to place a kiss on Arthit next, Kong couldn't take it anymore. He drank the rest of his scotch, before standing up.

Arthit had been watching him the whole time. Wondering how long it would take his every processive, every jealous boyfriend to take him away. From the very start of their relationship, he knew that Kong was going to be very processive and very jealous. Maybe it would have bothered someone else, but to him, he loved it. It made him feel loved and watched. Call him werid, he didn't care, he loved that side of Kong.

After an hour of teasing him, he was not surprise to watch Kong finish his drink and walk onto the dance floor. Nor was he surprised when Kong forcefully removed the man hand off his hip, then punched him in the face.

"We are leaving...Now." Kong said grabbing Arthit by the wrist pulling him along. Arthit could tell he was seething. His boyfriend was pissed off, and Arthit couldn't wait to see what happens when they get home.

The moment their front door shut, Kong had Arthit against it, left hand wrapped around his neck, the other holding his hair tight.

"Did it feel good to have other people touch you? Have other people rub their bodies all over you?" Kong asked, hissing in Arthit face, his left hand squeezing around Arthit neck a little tighter. "Did you like acting like a fucking slut tonight, for everyone to see?"

"Yes, it felt good, I loved when they touched me." Arthit answer, lying. He hated it when other people touched him like that. He belonged to Kongpob, and Kongpob only. He tried to hide his smirk when Kong eyes flashed.

"You want to act like a slut, then you will be treated like a slut." Kong removed his hand from around Arthit neck, dragging him by his hair to the bathroom. "Strip, now slut" Kong says pushing Arthit into the bathroom, before starting a shower. "I'm going to clean you before fucking you. God only knows what you have on you." Kong say.

Arthit almost smiled, but he knew better. Kong absolutely hated smelling other people on him. Arthit always comes home and goes straight into the shower because of it. There are very few people Kong is okay with smelling on Arthit. His parents, Kong parents, his best friends, Kong best friends and three of his co-workers. Earth, Todd, and their boss. Anyone else, Kong get possessive.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I said strip!" Kong almost roars at Arthit who had just been standing there. Arthit quickly snaps out of his thoughts striping as quickly as he could. Why the hell did he chose to weather leather pants he will never know. Those thing are the worse to get off if your sweaty. Kong eyes raked over Arthit body, his cock growing harder. He couldn't wait to touch, taste, and feel this man body. "In the shower now." Arthit nodded his head doing as he was told. He got into the shower and stood under the stream of hot water. He closed his eyes moaning loudly as the hot water relaxed his body. "that is the sound I love to hear." Kong whisper in Arthit ear nipping it hard, causing the older male to yelp.

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