The Bet Pt. 2

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Arthit walked into the library, and after looking around for a moment located his friends in the very back, making a beeline straight for them. As soon as he got to the table, he slumped in the chair next to Tutah.

"Something wrong Arthit?" Tutah asked without looking up from his book. The other three friends looking up.

"A million things" He said slamming his head against the table, then hissing in pain. "Ouch, shit that hurts" He says sitting back up rubbing his forehead.

"That's why we don't hit our heads on the table" Perm said trying not to laugh.

"Shut up asshole." Arthit hissed at him sitting back in his chair arms crossed. He rolled his neck back and forth cracking it a time or two.

"So, what's really on your mind." Knott asked, tilting his head to the side. Arthit looked around the table at his four best friends. They have been best friends since childhood and have always been in sync with each other. Even if Arthit didn't just hit his head on the table, they would have figured out he was annoyed.

"The bet." He said. All four friends just nodded their head, waiting for him to continue. The next day Arthit had told his friends everything that happen. He was sure to have it in the bag by the end of the month, but now he isn't so sure. Arthit sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "It's been two weeks already and nothing." He said his voice full of annoyance.

"What do you mean nothing?" Bright asked, going back to his work.

"Just that. Nothing has happen between the two of us. He isn't as easy as I thought. We had lunch together once, that was it. He hardly returns my messages and doesn't answer when I call. I sent food form one of the best and most expensive restaurants to his first class, and he gave it back to me."

"You're kidding?" Tutah laughed. He couldn't believe it; someone was turning Arthit down. Arthit looked at him giving him a 'do I look like I'm kidding' face. "okay your not kidding. Have you tried to see him in person?"

"No. He would freak out. Plus, we are still hazing them, it might seem odd if I just go up to him."

"You think he still lives at home right?" Knott asked. Through he wasn't taken part of the bet, he didn't want Arthit do to something stupid.

"Yes, I think so anyways. That night he really didn't say. When he was on the phone with his dad he said something about going home the next day."

"Why don't you just go to his house then? Tell his dad you need to speak to him about SOTUS." Knott asked looking back down at his book.

"I don't know where he lives." Arthit said a hint of annoyance in his tone. Perm laughed before slipping a piece of paper to him.

"Here, his address on record." Arthit looked at the address raising an eyebrow at him. "What? I hacked into the school records." Arthit shook his head, pocking the address. He quietly opened his book, to start working.

Arthit message Kong as soon as he walked out of the library. The sun had already set, and he was starving. The gang had been in there for three hours, working on their group project due at the end of the week. He was glad they finished it today, and Knott would turn it in. The project was giving them all headaches.

Arthit: I just finished a group project. Want to catch dinner with me?

I'd like that, P'Arthit. :Kong

Arthit was shocked looking at the message. Did Kong really just agree to have dinner with him? Arthit smirk, maybe this was a good sign, and he could finally start winning this kid over.

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