The Bearer Pt. 2

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It's been nine months since Arthit had saved Kong for the man that brought him from his father. Kong had been so happy and relived when he heard Arthit voice that night. He knew he would the older man would never give him to the other.

That next day, after killing the man and some of his men, Arthit had told Kong he would remain living with him, but to everyone surprise Kong said no. He didn't want to live with someone if they were not together. So right there in front of all Arthit friends he declared them together. They had been inseparable since. Arthit taken Kong with him almost everywhere, then the younger wasn't in school.

Three months later the made love for the first time, and to Arthit surprise it was Kong that started it. He had complained that Arthit didn't want him, that Arthit was only taken pity on him. When Arthit said that wasn't true, Kong demanded him to proof it. Arthit stood there frozen he didn't want to hurt his cub, and Arthit knew it would be the younger man's first time. But Kong wasn't having any of that. He jumped Arthit, planting his lips against the older males. After a shocked few seconds, Arthit had taken charge. That kiss let to another, then another, then to Kong moaning and screaming the older man name, most of the night.

"Please P'Arthit you promised I could go!" Kong whined as he hugged tight onto Arthit arm. Arthit sign rubbing his temple. He had promise, but plans changed. A week ago, Kong had come to Arthit and asked him if he could help with the fresher games and setting up the booths for the Business Facility. Kong started his master program two months ago and had been looking forward to this since. Before he wasn't able to help due to his father, but now he has nothing stopping him. Not even his lack of eyesight.

"I know I did cub, but things changed. It wouldn't be safe." Arthit said. He hated seeing the disappointed look on his little cub face. Kong had been so excited to ask Arthit to go and at the time Arthit didn't see a reason why not. Now there were threats aimed at Kong and Arthit didn't want to take the chance.

To say Kong was disappointed was an understatement. He let go of Arthit arm, letting out a small sigh. "I understand. I'm going to study." Kong mumbled as he walked out of Arthit study, heading for the library. Kong didn't understand. What would be so different? Wouldn't guards follow him around? Or wouldn't Bright, Perm, Tutah or Knott come with him? Kong shook his head disappointed. He has been helping out every day between classes and when he could, so to not be able to go, was very disappointed.

"Let him go Arthit, the boy wants to go" Knott said looking at his friend. "He has worked hard for this." Arthit had not taken his eyes off the doorway since Kong walked out, a good five minutes ago. Knott speaking up brought Arthit back to him.

"I know" Arthit sighed running his hands through his hair. "But it wouldn't be safe. There would be to many people there, to many unknowns. I want him safe. The threats are about him this time, not about me."

"then go with him. We can all. I know you want to keep him safe, but we can't restrict his life." Knott reasoned. Arthit sighed again rolling his neck.

"I will think about it. It's two days away."


Kong ignored Arthit that night, decided to sleep on the edge with his back to him, rather than in his arms like every night. Even mad though Kong still decided to sleep naked. He has come to not the feel of clothes on him when he sleep. Arthit had chosen to sleep naked too. He wanted to be able to feel his baby against his skin while he slept. Despite being upset with him, Arthit knew Kong would cuddle against him after he feel asleep. He just wish, Kong was on his arms now.

"Cub please..." Arthit begged touching Kong back gentle. He knew his cub was upset at him, but Arthit only had Kong safety in mind. Kong remained silent. He knew he was being childish, but as he was studying today his mind kept going back to the school festival. He had worked hard just like all the other students, why shouldn't he be able to go? Arthit signed deciding to take matters into his own hands. He gentle rolled Kong over to face him, keeping his arms around his little cub. "I hate it when you don't talk to me cub. It unsettles me." Arthit said as he placed tiny kisses all over Kong face.

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