Breaking up, and Making up

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Kong was tried, and frustrated. These long hours at work were getting to him. All he wanted to do was go home to his boyfriend and relax. He would just have to try and settle for the second options. Why? Because even though they have been together for almost seven years, Arthit was still hiding him. His P'Arthit still refuses to move in with him. Still refuses to show any affection outside their friend group. They can't even have a date alone. Someone always has to come with, so it doesn't look like a date.

Kong was getting tried of it. He was tried of feeling like a dirty little secret. He was tried of hiding. He was tried of running after a man who has had one foot out the door since the start of their relationship. He was just tried. Their seventh-year anniversary was in two weeks, and he asked his P to take the time off work, so they could go on vacation. Neither of them have taken time off work in over a year, and they were due.

Kong wanted to go someplace where they would get privacy, be able to date open without fear, and relax. His family owned a tone of resorts around Asia mostly but in other places like Spain, Sweden, Canada, The U.S., and Australia. They could go to any of them, but Arthit refused. His reasoning? Because it would seem suspicious if they both took time off work at the same time. They didn't even work for the same company! His co-workers knew he was in a relationship with a man, so who cared?

Of course, being the loving and understanding boyfriend he was, he just said okay, they could do something at either of their apartments that night. Arthit turned that down too. His new neighbors were nosey and would ask questions. It's been weeks since Kong was able to visit his own boyfriend. So again, Kong compromised and said for Arthit to come to him. When Arthit turned down that idea, Kong wanted to cry. He had not seen his boyfriend in real life in weeks. They have stuck to video calls and messages and even those were become less and less. So, Kong did the only thing he knew to do. Asked his P if he wanted to go to Bright bar. They could invite all their friends. Arthit agreed to that right away.

"I'm home..." Kong said to the very empty, very quiet apartment. "Maybe I should get a pet." He mumbled to himself, flopping on his couch. He never understood why he has a large apartment just for himself. The only reason why he got it was in hopes that his P' would have moved in with him by now. Kong had brought a three-bedroom, two-bathroom condo, after coming back from China. His hopes were to have Arthit moved in with him, then adopt a child a few years later. Well, he has been back for a year now, and his hopes have been shattered.

He sighed again, pulling out his phone. He pulled up the LINE messages with his P realizing his P had not responded back to him all day. That was nothing new anymore. It seem like a one-sided relationship anymore.

Kong: Have you reached home yet P?

Kong watched as the message sent, hoping that both check marks turned green. It was already past seven. He hoped his P had arrived home.

Kong: Have you ate yet? Should I order you something?

"I don't know why I even bother." Kong mumbled to himself when he got no response after ten minutes. The longest conversation they had in months was about their anniversary. Kong felt the tears well ups, as he rubbed his hands over his face. He took a long deep breath and exhale slowly. This was just a hump, a hurdle they had to cross, like all the other ones. "This too shall pass." He said to himself over and over as he got up to take a shower.

Almost an hour later, Kong stepped out of the bathroom, fresh out of the shower, with a pair of basketball short and one of Arthit t-shirts. His shower lasted longer than normal, due to pent up sexual frustration he had. He couldn't help it. He was a young healthy man after all. He just wish his boyfriend was here to help relieve some of that frustration.

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