Final: Heartbreak, Misunderstandings, Healing and Baby

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After that night, something shifted. Kong still had trust issues, but he felt as if he could trust Arthit more. He would ask the elder to pick up Star from daycare and watch her for a while. Or to come over because Star was crying for her daddy.

As they were approaching the one-year anniversary of meeting Star, Arthit decided to make the first move. He messaged Kong about his day. Not really expecting the younger one to answer or car, but he had a bad day and the first person he thought about was Kong and Star. To his surprise, Kong responded back. That set off a chain reaction.

They started messaging back and forth at first it was little things. Just small talk, then it slowly became more, about their work, their lives. Arthit talked about his friends. Kong talked about his co-workers. It kind of felt like old time, and Kong was loving it, but scared. So scared. Everything was going good, and he was scared something would happen like before.

It's now been a year, and thought their relationship was on okay terms, Arthit was determine more than ever to win Kong back. He was a fool to every not believe this man. Kong was his everything, Kong still his everything.

"Kong...would you...go on a date with me?" Arthit asked, holding his breath. He just finished putting Star to bed. Kong looked at Arthit shocked. Did he want to go on date with him? was he ready for that?

"W...when?" Kong asked.

"Tomorrow? You can come to my apartment, You and Star?" Kong let out a breath. "I can make us all dinner...or something..." the courage Arthit had died. "Nevermind...just...forget it." He let out an awkward laugh. "It was silly of me to ask."

"yes." Kong said surprising himself and Arthit. "I'd love that." Arthit smiled wide

"Really?" Kong nodded smiling back. Arthit kissed Kong cheek without thinking rushing out of Star room. Kong stood there hand on his cheek, heart racing.

The next night, Kong and Star showed up with everything Star would need to keep her busy. Dinner was fabulous, it was everything Kong liked to eat, same with desert. They talked about a lot of things while they cleaned up.

They sat down after cleaning up, Star on Arthit lap was they watched Frozen. Kong and Star both were asleep by the end of the movie, and Arthit didn't have the heart to wake either of them. He moved Star first laying her down on his bed, then moved Kong to lay next to him. He wanted to join them, but knew Kong would freak out, so instead he took the couch.

The next morning, he was woken up by a three-year-old poking his cheek and the smell of breakfast from his kitchen. He smiled in his sleep. This was something he could and wanted to get use too. Much to his surprise and happiness, Kong and Star stayed close to bedtime, then Arthit followed them back to his house. There he read Star a story and tugged her into bed. Pretty soon that became their new normal. Every Saturday they would do something together, then go back to Arthit and stay the night. It wasn't the dates Arthit thought of, but he was loving.

They took it very slow, and Arthit was okay with that. He wanted to take everything at Kong pace. He wanted Kong to trust him again. On one of their dates, Arthit asked about blood sugar. Kong admitted that he was in a very dark place when he was pregnant, and he didn't do anything but eat and sleep. When he ate he only had pink milk, strawberry cake, and sweets. He got gestational diabetes, that turned into type two diabetes after he gave birth. Now he watches what he eats, and drink. Arthit took that very seriously, and make sure to always carry around snacks and sugary drinks like orange juice when they went out.

It took Kong two full years to finally be able to trust Arthit again. And not just Arthit, but his old friends and the other P's. He was so scared of getting his heart broken. Over the two years, Arthit had showed time and time again he could be trusted and was showing Kong why he feel in love with the elder. His friends and the P's did the same, proved over and over again they could be trusted, it was all slow, only going the speed Kong put in place, but soon enough it was like no time had passed.

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