Our Omega

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**Ghost ship, threesome**

"Oh...Oh...please...please I'm sorry" he sobbed twisting and turning in the bedsheet, as much as the restraints would allow. His body on edge, ready to cum. His alpha, who he seems to have made jealous edging him on for more than an hour now. His punishment for 'flirting' with a female student.

When the omega received the message during his lunch time, he had looked around for his alpha, only to find student in his own year. When he asked why he was being punished he was told for flirting, but the omega didn't remember flirting with anyone, he would never. He had two alpha's he loved very much and wouldn't dream of looking elsewhere. To agure with his alpha and say he wasn't flirting would cause him a worse punishment.

Did he mind? Not all the time. The omega couldn't lie. There was time he flirted with other just to get a rise out of his alphas, especially when they had not been paying him enough attention. Those times he omega didn't mind the punishment, he craved for the punishment, and enjoyed it to the fullest.

Then there were times like today, where he did nothing wrong, yet he was being punished for something his alpha or alphas saw. He didn't like these punishments because he did nothing wrong. When his alphas got jealous of their own accord, the omega never finished. He was never granted release. He would be in pain till his alpha deem him good enough to cum.

"Have you learned your lesson my omega?" his alpha whispered in his ear licking the shell slowly.

"Yes...yes...please...I'm sorry...please my alpha" The omega sob turning towards his alpha voice.

The omega was tired spread eagle to their bed. His hip raised high, and his feet planted firmly on the bed. He was blindfolded and clamps attached to his nipples and the underside of his cock. A sound inserted into his cock two very large vibrating cocks where inside his hole. Close enough to this prostate to give him the edge he needed.

The omega body was trembling with need. The need to cum...the need to touch his alpha...the need to feel his alpha large cock inside him. He was dripping with slick, and cum from his alpha earlier fucking. The feel of it dripping down his ass onto the bedsheet below him. All of his senses on high alert.

"what have you learned? If you answer correctly, I will take the sound out." The alpha said, causing the omega to sob more in relief.

"No...not to flirt...flirt with anyone...but my alphas" He said, his breathing coming in deep and swallow.

The omega let out a loud scream as the sound was pulled from his cock, the relief filling the omega sense almost causing him to cum.

"Good boy...what else did you learn?" the omega had to think. He didn't remember doing anything else. Then again, he didn't even know he had flirted with someone.

"Never...question my alphas" he said in a breathy whisper.

"Good answer my love" The alpha said turning the vibrators up to top speed. The omega arched screaming in pleasure as the alpha slowly pulled one out before thrusting it back in, then doing the same to the other. Over and over again, making sure to hit the omega prostate.

The omega knew...he knew that he was not allowed to cum without his alpha permission, but he was so close.

"I see your having fun without me." A new voice said, two heads turned towards the sound of the newcomer.

"Prefect timing, Arthit I've been edging him for over an hour, and he has been such a good boy, sucking my cock dry then letting me fuck him, both times without cumming himself."

"Has he learned his lesson?" Arthit said sounding closer than before. The omega felt the bed drip, before a hand touched his face. The omega purred as he leaned into the touch.

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