The Playboy Innocent Lover PT.2

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Arthit frowned when he saw Kong and someone else waiting for him at the entrance of the movie theater. Did Kong not realize that Arthit wanted him alone?

"Kong...and friend...have you been waiting long?" Kong smile wide at Arthit shaking his head.

"No P'. We just got here a few minutes ago. This is my friend Aim. I hope you don't mind. I told him I was coming to see this movie and he wanted to join." Kong said a slight blush on his cheek.

"No That's fine I guess." Arthit answer sounding annoying. He wanted to get Kong alone so he could work his magic. All he needed was some privacy time and he was sure he would be able to get Kong in his bed tonight. It seems though that wasn't going to happen.

"Thanks for letting me come P'Arthit." Aim said giving the elder a wai. "I paid for Kong and I's ticket's already. I wasn't sure if you wanted us to pay for yours, but Kong insisted since you invited him, so he paid for you ticket." Aim said handing the older boy his ticket. Arthit looked at it for a moment before taken it from Aim. This was a twist he didn't see coming. Normally everyone expected him to pay for them.

"Thanks, nong...since you all brought the tickets how about I buy the snacks?"

"Oh no thank you P'Arthit. I ate before I came." Kong says, Aim nodding in agreement.

"We were studying before we came and had stopped for early dinner." Aim added. How the hell was Arthit supposed to get Kong indebted to him if he isn't allowed to pay for anything.

"No worries then we should go in and find our seats." He said smiling to the two nongs.

Much to his disappointment when they found their seats Aim sat between them. Arthit thought for sure that he could at least put his arm over Kong shoulder, but no he couldn't' even do that. Arthit was annoyed most of the movie, because of Aim. The boy was ruining everything. Arthit had to think of a different plan, a different course of action, to get Kong alone. He knew that if he just got the boy alone everything would work out fine.

After the movie was over, Aim walked between the two, making sure to keep distance between Kong and Arthit, as if he knew Arthit was up to something.

"Kong, would you like to have a late-night dinner with me?" Arthit asked. "I'm kind of hungry and I don't' want to eat alone." He added pouting. It was close to ten the movie being over two in a half hours long.

"Sorry P'Arthit but we can't. Our dorm has a curfew, and we have to get back." Aim answer in Kong place, annoying the senior.

"I see. Well, he can always stay at my place for the night." Arthit wasn't sure why he even said that. No way in hell would he allow someone to stay in his apartment.

"Again, sorry P'Arthit but we can't. We have to get back. Come on Kong." Aim said. Arthit frowned getting pissed. Who the fuck was this kid to Kong to dictate what Kong could and could not do.

"Thank you for inviting me to the movie's P'Arthit and thank you for letting my friend join. See you at work tomorrow" Kong said giving Arthit a wide bright smile before walking off with Aim.

"What the fuck just happen." Arthit mumbled to himself.

For the next three months, Arthit worked harder to get Kong alone. He would invite the boy to have meals with him. To come over and study with him. To the movie, shopping, anything he could think of, and every time Kong always brought a friend. As if they were trying to keep Kong from being alone with Arthit on purpose. This was making the elder fucking annoyed. Yes he had learned a lot about Kong, but what was the point if he couldn't get the younger one alone?

" is it going with Kong?" Tutah asked. They were sitting around Arthit apartment after yet another failed attempt to get Kong alone.

"Fucking horrible. I have never had to work this hard to get someone to date me." Arthit answer throwing his head back against the couch. "I can never get the boy alone. Not even at the café. One of his friends are always there, or one of you always but in." He says glaring at this friends. Bright and Tutah looked away while Knott and Prem just stare at him.

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