Best Friends to Lovers Pt. 4

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"Can you tell me what you know?" Arthit asked the young boy sitting across from his lion.

"Rome, my name is Rome, and this is Emma" He said pointing to the girl sitting next to him. "Where do you want me to start?" he asked folding his hands over the top of his book.

"How do you know Kong?" Arthit asked running his fingers through Kong's hair gentle.

"He is our roommate. He say me post a room for rent ad. He saw the place and paid four months upfront." Arthit raised an eyebrow shocked at this. Kong had been moved out of his dorm within two days from the last time he say him. He couldn't believe Kong moved that fast. Did he really want to be away from Arthit that bad?

"Are you two dating?" Arthit asked pointing between Emma and Rome.

"No, I'm gay and she has a boyfriend. Plus, Kong isn't my type. He is cute and all, but I like taller guys." Arthit nodded taken note that Rome didn't reject Kong because of his disability. "And someone is supposed to be courting me." He quickly looked at Bright before looking away. Arthit made a mental note to tease Bright about that later.

"Fair enough. Do you know if he is dating anyone? My girlfriend said she saw him dating someone in business." Rome didn't miss the sneer at the word girlfriend.

"The only two people he knows here are Emma and me. If she say him with anyone here it would have been either of us."

"Porsche has taken him home for me three times, but he is in medicine, veterinary." Rome nodded agreeing with Emma

"Who is Porsche?" Prem asked.

"My boyfriend" Emma said.

"Do either of you mind his disability?" Tutah asked his voice cold and serious.

"Why should we? His disability doesn't defined who he is. Kong is fun to be around." Rome said annoyed. How dare they ask them such a questions. "We wouldn't have rented him the room if we didn't like him, disability or not." Tutah relaxed nodding.

Arthit looked at Rome and Emma thinking. They seem to be trustworthy. They have been answering all their questions without hesitation. Maybe...

"Did he tell you why he wanted to move from the dorms? Or anything?' Knott asked. They had all pulled up chairs from different table to be able to sit and surround Kong. They missed their little lion cub too. Rome and Emma looked at each other. Rome bit his bottom lip seeming to have a silent conversation with Emma.

"At first no, but we overheard a phone conversation he had, and he broke down telling us everything." Rome said, a little hesitant.

"We don't think its our place to tell you through." Emma said, Rome nodding in agreement. Arthit sighed deeply, rubbing his temple.

"Please. He is our best friend. We have known him since he was three. It's been killing me not being able to see him, talk to him message him, these past six weeks. Please tell me what he told you." Arthit said.

"You might not believe us." Rome said looking at Bright. "I wouldn't have believed him if I didn't overhear the phone conversation." Everyone looked at each other concern written on their faces.

"Maybe...check his phone? I'm sure there are messages there." Emma said softly. She didn't feel right telling Kong secret, but she also didn't feel right keeping it inside. This was something very serious. That woman was threatening people lives. "It's there." She pointed next to Kong arm.

Arthit took the phone gentle making sure not to wake the young boy. He smiled seeing the lock screen was still a picture of them on Kong eighteenth birthday. He typed in passcode letting out a sigh of relief when it went though.

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