The Playboy Innocent Lover Pt 3

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Kong picks around the book shelve waiting for Arthit and his friends to pass. It's been three weeks since the night at the club. He didn't remember much, just drinking and hanging out with his friends. After the second shot everything started to get blurry. He knew better than to drink. He had never gotten drunk before. Hell, he never even had a drink like that before. So, he shouldn't have drank so much.

When he woke up the next morning, he freaked out. He was in a strangers bedroom, naked, in their bed. He could hear the sound of water running and had to leave quickly. He didn't want to face what he might have done the night before. He cursed himself for getting drunk and having a one-night stand. He quickly got dressed and then ran out of there, after grabbing his phone and wallet.

When he got to the street, he was confused. He didn't even know where he was. He wasn't from Bangkok originally and was still trying to figure his way around. So, he did the only thing he knew what to do. He called a cab and had it take him back to his dorm. Kong couldn't remember anything from the night before and wanted to cry. Was he taken advantage of? Did he have sex? Did the person or people wear protection? How many times did he have sex? Was he the bottom or the top? Was it a boy or a girl?

When the cab dropped him off and he finally made it to his dorm. He slumped onto the floor sobbing. He wish he never went to the club. He wished he didn't drink so much. His head was pounding and everything was a blank. God only knows what happen, and who's apartment that was. What upset him even more was what P'Arthit thought about him, what he might have done in front of Arthit. Kong already knew he wasn't good enough for the senior, but he still wanted to be friends.

After taken a shower and scrubbing himself almost raw, he sat on his bed thinking, trying to figure out what he should do now. So, with a heavy heart, he blocked all his seniors number. He promised himself that he would avoid them all and move on with

Now three weeks later he was doing just that. He was hiding from them. Avoiding them the best he could. The school semester just started again, so he couldn't hide away from them like he could the two weeks before. He would just hid in the back of the café during his working hours, and he has been staying at his home since he couldn't stay on campus, at night

As soon as he knew the hazers were out of sight, Kong sighed, leaning back against the book shelve eyes closed. He should really find another library to study in he thought.

"You know...I feel very offended the way you have been avoiding me." Kong eyes popped open hearing the whisper in his ear. There in front of him was P'Arthit, looking as handsome as ever. One arm hand against the book shelve next to Kong head, the other tucked in the pocket of his jeans. The maroon jacket hugging his arm muscles, the black t-shirt under it hugging his lean body. Kong gulped keeping his eyed down cast.

"I'm not....avoiding you." Kong said softly, his heart beating wildly.

"Yeah? You're not? Then why do you always run and wide when I came around? Why don't you answer any of my LINE messages?" Arthit asked looking Kong up and down. The younger was holding a book to his chest, his eyes down cast, his hair falling gentle over his forehead almost into his eyes. Arthit remember the way Kong felt in his arms that night. The soft body pressed up against his hard one. The way Kong wrapped around him as if he had been doing it all his life. His baby soft hair tickling his nose, the smell of Kong shampoo invading all his scenes. It was like heaven and hell. The feel of Kong against him made him rock hard, and yet there was nothing he could do but hold him.

When Kong had taken his clothes off because he was hot, Arthit couldn't do anything but groan, as Kong curled around him again, his naked smooth chest, pressed against Arthit side.

He had been very, very disappointed when he came out of the shower to find Kong gone. No note, no LINE message, nothing. The place was empty.

"I...I...I bl...blocked you." Kong said honestly. "I'm embarrassed about what happen at the club. What you might have seen...or heard"

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