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Kong looked out the car window watching the scenery goes by. He was on his way from the airport to his grandparents home. It's been a year since he left home, and now he was back. It was early October and still the rainy season. Kong was okay with this. After being in Japan for a year, he still had not gotten use to the cold, and this was the time he was started to get that way.

When he first landed in Japan a year ago, he didn't realize how cold it could get. He had spent all the money he had on him to buy winter clothes. He admitted to himself that leaving like he did, made him ill prepared for Japanese weather. But he had no choice. He couldn't stay in Thailand. His relationship with his long-term boyfriend was over, and his family wasn't talking to him. Kong did the only thing he could do. Request a transfer and leave.

Now he was back at his grandfather request. He assumed to know what it was all about. It was time he settled down and get married. He was twenty-six after all. Though his family was not talking to him, he was still the only heir. He had to settle down, get married, have a kid or two. A son. The only person he ever thought he would married was his now ex-boyfriend.

If he said he hadn't thought about his ex-lover over the course of the last year he would be lying. Arthit was always on his mind. When he first left he cried himself to sleep every night. He would look though their pictures and videos. He would fall asleep listening to Arthit in those videos. He always wonder why Arthit couldn't love him enough to ignore what other people thought about them. He always wonder why he couldn't love Arthit enough to keep being a secret.

"Young master?" the driver said snapping Kong out of his thoughts. "We are here." Kong blinking seeing his grandfather's house in front of him.

"Oh...Thank you..." He said climbing out. He took a deep breath closing his eyes. The last time he was here, he was walking in with his lover. It didn't go to well.


Kong held tight to Arthit hand tight in the back of the car. He knew his love was nervous. He knew he was scared. If Kong admitted to himself, he was scared too, but he wanted to believe his parents and grandparents would accept them.

"You sure this is a good idea?" P'Arthit asked his voice low.

"No, but we have been together seven years love. It's time we told them." Kong told him "No matter what happens in here though, remember, I will chose you over them any day. They need me more than I do." Arthit looked at Kong biting his lip. He didn't want to be the reason he broke their family up. Kong gentle removed Arthit lip from between his lips kissing him gentle. "Baby don't do that. I know what you're thinking too. You are not going to break up our family my love I swear."

Arthit looked at Kong, the tenderness, the love, the strength melted his heart and made him stronger. He knew that no matter what happen tonight, he would always have Kong.

"I trust you. I have trust in you." He said, making his young lover smile, that was all he need that smile.

When they pulled up to the house, Kong climbed out first, going around to open the door for Arthit. "Don't start with me. I know you have two hands and could do it yourself. Let me spoil you." Kong said. Arthit pouted for a moment blushing. Kong did know him well, a little to well. Kong chuckled at his boyfriend reaching down and squeezing his hand gentle. "Come on my love." He said. Holding each other hands, they walked into Kong family home.

Arthit was in awe. Kong had told him everything about his family after his father helped Ocean's Electric years before. Arthit knew that Kong was loaded but didn't realize just how loaded he truly was. If Arthit was honest, he always forgot. His Kong was never flashy, just looking at him, you would never know. With that Arthit always forgets how rich his boyfriend actually was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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