My Baby Boy

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Kong: a little/bottom

Arthit: caregiver/top

Kong was hiding a secret. If anyone found out about his secret he would be totally humiliated, but he couldn't take it anymore. He needed help. Today was his breaking point, and he didn't know how much longer he could keep it in.

He should go to his friends; his best friend Aim actually. The person he has known since secondary school. Yet he didn't. He was scared of the judgmental looks he might get from him. Aim isn't a judgmental person by any means, but that doesn't stop Kong from being scared.

Instead, Kong was sitting at his computer at 9 at night posting an ad online, looking for help. Within an hour he already had twenty-five responses and left overwhelm by it all. He closed his laptop and curled into bed hoping tomorrow would be better.

Arthit was sitting in a small café, drinking his pink milk waiting for He wasn't sure what to call this meeting. This wasn't his first-time meeting someone like this, it was actually his fifth, but he still could never figure out what to call these meeting. He had answered an ad online from a young man looking to help. Since he was free, he thought why not.

He wasn't actually excepting to hear back from the young man, so when he did, and the young man requested to meet right away Arthit was surprised. Arthit looked up as the little bell above the door ding. There stood a young man, with tan skin, and raven black hair, round glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. From where Arthit was sitting it looked as if the younger man was on the leaner side.

Kong looked around the small café for the man he was supposed to be meeting. As soon as he laid eyes on the man, Kong knew he was the one. He would be able to help. It was something in the other man expression that just eased the feeling inside Kong. He rushed over to the table hoping he was right about the man.

"P'Arthit?" Kong asked standing next to the chair one hand on the back of it waiting, for what he wasn't sure. Arthit looked the boy up and down nodding. The boy looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Sit down, are you okay?" Arthit said helping Kong to sit down. The younger man shook his head no, has he started playing with his fingers. Arthit notice Kong breathing starting to come in a short deep pattern. Just looking at him, he could tell the younger male was starting to slip.

"Baby boy why don't we get out of here? We can go someplace more private?" Arthit said gentle. Kong head shot up looking at Arthit. Without hesitation Kong wrote down his apartment address, along with the pin to get in. After handing it to Arthit he stood playing with the hem of his shirt, with one hand handing a set of keys to Arthit.

"I drove here...maybe I shouldn't have" Kong said his voice low as if he would be in trouble.

"That was very dangerous baby boy, never do that again" Arthit said taken the keys Kong held out to him. Kong nodded following Arthit out after he paid for his drink.

The way to Kong apartment was quiet and Kong curled into himself eyes close. He had been feeling himself slip, little by little for the last couple days and had been fighting it. For a little like him, stopping a slip was never a good thing. Kong didn't have a caregiver though and was scared of being alone with he slipped.

Kong had not even realize they had pulled into his parking spot till Arthit gentle rubbed his arm.

"Come on baby boy, let's get you upstairs" Arthit said climbing out of the car then helping Kong out. Arthit could tell that Kong was slipping and he wanted him inside the apartment before he fully slipped.

Once inside the apartment Kong flopped onto the couch, grabbed his stuffy and curled into a ball. Arthit sat on the floor next to him rubbing his hair gentle.

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