Breaking up and Making up Epilogue

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The last four years, three of which they have been married. Have been a blissful one for the couple. Sure, they still get into fights. Little petty ones, like who turn it is for the dishes, not telling the other they will be late. Ignoring calls and message. Getting drunk without the other. Nothing they cant work out the same day, at the longest the next day. The only real sore spot was Arthit parents. They had yet to come around. Arthit had not spoken to them since the day he told them about Kong, and Kong could see the toll it had taken on him. The sadness in his eyes when they don't wish him a happy birthday. Or how his messages got ignored on his parents birthday and anniversary.

Kong had sat him down on their first wedding anniversary.

"Arthit...I have been thinking a lot...You can tell your parents we broke up. I can go back to being your secret. I don't mind if it means you can be with your parents again." Arthit looked at him shocked. No...never, he would never have Kong go back thinking he was a secret. He would never let his husband think Arthit didn't treasure him.

"No...absolutely not. Never. Yes I am sad they don't want to be in our lives. Yes, I miss them every day, but I refuse to every allow you to think that I don't love you, that you are my secret again." Arthit said pissed standing up and walking away. Kong ran after him. to explain his side, but Arthit wouldn't hear it. So, Kong dropped the subject.

Arthit still struggled with PDA, but it was getting better. In the three years since took that little two-week break, because Arthit absolutely refuses to say it was a breakup. Arthit has been working hard on his PDA. It's been a slow, Arthit will admit that, but seeing the smile on his Kong's face makes him want to try harder. It started off slow, going grocery shopping together, nothing more than that, but he could see how blissfully happy Kong had been with that simple task.

It became their weekly "date outside" Kong had called it. This made Arthit frown. He wasn't quite there yet, but he wish he was. After a few months of them just shopping at the same center for groceries, and nobody giving them werid looks, or carring, Arthit surprised his husband. Arthit looked around before linking their pinkies together.

"This is all the courage I have right now." He whispered the tips of his ears red. Kong gave him a bright smile. Seeing that smile on his lovers face, Arthit leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Okay maybe I have a little more courage than I thought." Kong stood there stunned. He slowly brought his hand up to his cheek looking at Arthit wide eyed. For one scared moment he thought Kong was going to have a heart attack. Needless to say, they abandon their shopping and went home. Kong has showed him how happy he was.

From there the amount of PDA slowly increased, but only when grocery shopping. Arthit wasn't ready for anything more outside his safty zone and Kong was way more than okay with that.

Kong loved those little PDA moments, they might not always last long, but it showed how much his P'Arthit was trying. The hand holding, the way his P rested his chin on his shoulder as they discussed what to buy, how Arthit hand rubbed his back now and then. The small kisses on his cheek. They all met so much to him. He couldn't ask for more. Yes he hoped one day they could have an actual date, where they would hold hands, see a movie, go to dinner, something cheesy like that. It was one of his dreams. Kong couldn't lie and say he wouldn't be disappointed if that never happen, but he wouldn't push his P'Arthit past his limits. Like right now. Arthit had his hands on Kong waist his chin on Kong shoulder.

"Are we almost done? I'm tried and want to go home." He whined. It was a Saturday and two in the afternoon. Kong rolled his eyes. Arthit favorite past time, other than weaking Kong ass, was sleeping.

"Are you really tried though P'Oon?" Kong asked softly. The way Arthit thumb was rubbing against Kong hip, made him think that something else was up. Feeling brave, Arthit bit Kong ear lobe before kissing his neck

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