Heartbreak, and Missunderstandings

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Arthit watched Kong from across the room. The companies were having party, to celebrate the completion of the project they just finished. Kong was standing on the very far end of the courtyard. He was standing in a circle containing Todd, Cherry, Young and Som-o. Smiling and laughing at something they were saying. The feeling of jealousy filled Arthit, and he knew he had no right to be jealous. They are broken up. Yet he couldn't help the feeling, and he didn't know why.

For the last seven months they had been working together as part of a team. Ocean Electric and Siam Polymer Group. The project they were working on ended today. The last seven months had been a whirlwind of emotions for Arthit. When he first saw Kong walk into the meeting room, he was shocked. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had not spoken to Kong or seen him in three years. Not since they broke up. Not since that night. That shock soon turned into angry. A lot of angry. How dare he show up here, with that smile on his face as if nothing every happen.

He didn't want to make a scene in front of his co-workers, who all knew they had dated. They seem to be just as shock as him to see Kongpob standing there. When they meeting was over, Kong quickly made an exit giving everyone a wai. Arthit assumed he didn't want a cause a scene either, which only pissed him off. Arthit had more of a right to be pissed then Kong did.

As they were leaving for the day, he saw Kong standing by a Kong phone to his ear, talking to someone. He was extremely pissed. Arthit could tell even from the distance he was at. He was curious but it was no longer his business.

Arthit had been worried that Kong would get up to his old tricks. Baiting him, annoying him, being cheesy. Arthit was prepared for it, but after just a week, he realized he didn't have to worry. Kong avoided Arthit like the plague. Whenever they were in a meeting Kong sat the furthest away from him. Kong never spoke to Arthit directly. They were never alone together. When Kong saw Arthit he would always turn the other way. Kong showed up early, and left late, making sure they never ran into each other. Kong even had lunch elsewhere, Arthit assumed alone. His coworker noticed it too, and he just shrugged.

He noticed that Kong took a phone called twice a day, always standing away from everyone, a smile on his face. He seem very happy, always smiling. The smile he use to give him. Arthit wonder if maybe he was seeing someone else. That part broke his heart. Was it possible to move on that fast? They were together for eight years. Did he really mean very little to Kong towards the end? After what he did, he might have.

In the last seven months, there were only three times, they were more than twenty feet from each other. First was when they were slammed together in the elevator, Kong tried everything to keep room, but that wasn't possible. In the café. Kong had bumped into him on accident, reading a report, and the third was the men's bathroom. Kong was leaving as Arthit was walking in. That last time Kong eyes went wide, and Arthit swore he saw fear in them. Kong gave a wai, and quickly ran away.

"N'Arthit, come on we have to go." P'Earth said. Arthit snapped out of his thoughts as he watched Kong walk out of the courtyard. Arthit wonder if that would be the last time he saw him again.

It's been a week since the party. Arthit has thought about Kong almost every day. They spend seven months in each other presence after being apart for three years. He would be lying to himself and everyone around him, if he said it didn't affect him. If he said old feeling didn't resurface. Feelings he thought he put to rest years ago. He would be lying if he didn't cry himself to sleep more than once over the last week, because he didn't see Kong that day. He would be lying if he said he wasn't still madly in love with Kong, even if he once told his mother he wasn't.

Arthit walked to the elevator stopping when he say Kong standing there his back towards him. Arthit smiled a little looking at the tone back. He really did miss Kong despite everything that happen. He even found himself scrolling though their old LINE messages. "I will be home soon princess I promise." Kong said laughing, the elevator dinging. Arthit was snapped out of his thoughts, as he quickly followed Kong onto the elevator. Kong stood as far away from Arthit as he could.

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