My Big Baby

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Arthit watches his boyfriend from across the canteen. Something is off about him. He isn't his normal cheerful self. He isn't smiling, or laughing like he normally does. This causes Arthit to worry. Even when stress, Kongpob always smiles, he always laughs. He never lets anyone else know his true feelings. Nobody that is except his boyfriend. Kongpob has stated that he feels he can only be his true self around his boyfriend, and his best friend. Arthit can understand that. He too feels like he can only be his true self around his boyfriend and best friends.

"Instead of staring at your boyfriend, why don't you go talk to him?" Knott asked. This snaps Arthit out of his trace as he watch Kongpob stare at his food.

"What?" he says stupidly. Knott rolls his eyes sighing.

"Instead of staring at 0062, why don't you go talk to him?" Knott repeated himself. Arthit thought about it for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, I think I will leave him alone for now." He said turning back to his own food.

"Are you sure?" Tutah asked. Arthit nodded as he started to eat. "Oh, have you guys finished your part of the project? The teacher said it's due at the end of the week." Arthit asked as he stares at Bright knowingly. Out of the friend group, Bright is the one who tends to turn his part in last. It's still a wonder how he is in fourth in their class.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I gave my half to Knott just yesterday." He said defending himself. Arthit raised an eyebrow looking at Knott who nodded confirming Bright was telling the truth.

"I thought I was seeing things when I saw his email." Knott said making everyone laugh. Bright faked being offended before laughing with them.

"So Bright...what made you turn in your paper on time for once?" Tutah asked.

"This little cutie from the Art's department. He told me if I got all my work down he would go on a date with me on Friday night." Bright said smiling wide. He pulled out his phone showing a picture of the guy. Tutah whistles low, Prem just shrugs, and Knott looks confused. Arthit on the other hand was distracted by his boyfriend who seem to be struggling to stand up. He notice how Aim was helping him a little. Arthit frown. Was Kong sick? Arthit frowned deeper when Aim picked up Kong bags walking him over to their table.

"He is kind of cute. Where did you say you ran into him?" Tutah asked looking closer at the picture.

"At a food stall. His friend had ran off with his wallet to get a table, and left him holding the food without paying, so I paid for him." Bright said laughing. "I told him to let me take him on date on Friday, and he said only if I got all my work done."

Aim took his protesting best friend to his boyfriend table, instead of helping him to their next class. Kong was being stubborn and wouldn't listen. He had been sick since the weekend and today was Tuesday, and whatever he had was only getting worse.

"He is your problem now." Aim said helping Kong sit down gentle, placing Kong bag next to him.

"Oh, I'm a problem now? I told you to leave me alone." Kong snapped at his friend., his voice very hoarse. Aim rolled his eyes, sighing. Arthit raised an eyebrow, in surprise. Kong wasn't one to snap at his friends like that. He turned to look at Aim.

"He is sick. He got sick over the weekend, and it's only gotten worse. He refuses to admit he is sick." Now both of Arthit eyebrows were raised. Arthit touched Kong forehead who whimpered slightly leaning into the cool touch.

"You are burning up baby." Arthit said softly. Kong shook his head, but groaned lightly at the sudden movement, the canteen spinning.

"I'm not sick." He whined pouting. As much as he loved his boyfriend touch, he pushed his P'Arthit hand away, standing up. "I've got class I've got to get too." Arthit stood up noticing how unbalanced his boyfriend was.

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