Fetish Pt. 2

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**Warning Mature, all smut, public sex, watching, partial threesome.**

The club was packed. It seems all the nearby university students had the same idea. To celebrate. It was the last day of the school year; all finials were taken and for the next month nobody had to worry about school. The gang along with half the university decided to do the same thing. To party it up. This was the senior favorite spot. They came across it their fresher year, thanks to their own hazers. Since then, anytime they wanted good music, good drink, and good vibes they came here.

The seniors were well known by the bar staff here. The seniors use to show up every weekend their freshman year. Bright was known as the bar flirt, same with Tutah. Perm and Knott were known for being the giant silent ones, while Arthit was known for being the hot one everyone hit on. They always order the same thing drink, danced and were loud. The staff didn't mind as they were always to themselves. They never started fights but would always end them. They had a reserve spot just for them, as long as they called the owner ahead of time.

This spot was in the dead center of the club, against the wall. This gave the group a full view of the club, and they loved it.

Tonight, was no different, except for two things. Three of them now had boyfriends, and they had junior friends joining them, because of this. Unless you knew the seniors you would not realize that two of the juniors were their boyfriends. Knott and Tew acted like study buddies instead of boyfriends and Prem and Wad just sat next to each other. The other couple was clearly a couple. Arthit sat on the couch, with Kong in his lap. The junior's back to Arthit chest.

The first time they show the group of juniors with the seniors the club staff was shocked but laughed it off. When they learned of the boyfriends, they were even more shocked, but again happy and laughed it off. The club was a safe spot, and they would kick anyone out that made noises about LGBTQ. They quickly learned that Kongpob and Arthit are very possessive of each other. And tonight was no different.

Kong leaned back against Arthit chest, turning his face into his boyfriend neck. He was horny and was trying to find a way to get Arthit out of here. He had been horny for hours now and couldn't take it.

"What's the matter baby?" Arthit whispered rubbing Kong stomach gentle.

"need some air" Kong answered. Arthit helped Kong stand up before following suit.

"Going to get air!" Arthit yelled at his friend over the music. They waved him off acknowledging they heard him.

Arthit held Kong hand as they walked to the back of the club and outside into the alley. Kong took a deep breath for air, before exhaling slowly.

"Better baby?" Arthit asked as Kong leaned against the wall. He looked at Arthit his eyes hooded. Arthit bit his lip; he loved that look on Kong face. It ment one of two things. One he was drunk. Two he was horny. Arthit hoped it was the latter.

"No." Kong answer pouting. Arthit frowned, maybe Kong was drunk. Arthit was disappointed, but a little worried.

"Whats wrong." Arthit asked concerned reaching out to cup Kong cheek. Kong nuzzled into Arthit hand before looking at his boyfriend.

"I'm horny." Kong said as he undid his belt and pants. He reached into his pocket pulling out a tube of lube handing it to his boyfriend with a smirk. "And I want you to fuck me senseless right here." Arthit took the lube looking at it, then his boyfriend eyebrow raised excited.

"And what makes you think I'm going to fuck you here? In the alley?" Arthit asked. He was more than willing to fuck his boyfriend here right now if that is what Kong wanted. The thought they could be caught having sex. Or that someone could see them turned him on and excited him.

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