The Captain's Nerd Pt. 1

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Arthit: Top

Kong: Bottom

It was the first day of their last semester of high school, and Kong was both scared and happy. Kong loved school and was sad that it would be his last year in high school. Yet he was very happy that he would be moving forward and going to university. Kong had always dream of going to school overseas.

He had made sure that he always had top marks, and always kept himself out of trouble. The last part wasn't to hard to do, as he was overly shy and didn't make friends easy. He wanted to be accepted to Harvard University. He wanted to do software engineering, to get into coding.

He was already learning coding in his free time, to get ahead of the curve. The only huddle he foresaw was his English. Because of his stutter, he couldn't practice speaking English to much.

"Hey Arthit! I thought you would be late today!" Bright yelled throwing his arm over Arthit shoulder.

Kong eyes went to his long-time crush. Arthit Rojanapt. They had been in all the same classes since freshman year. Arthit was the same height as him, and except for a swimmer's body like Kong he was mor muscular. Arthit had brown hair and hazel eyes. His skin was as white as snow. Arthit was loud, fun, made friends easy, the caption of the school basketball team, and always placed second right behind Kong. The complete opposite of Kong.

When Kong first saw Arthit he was jealous. Arthit had made friends the very first day. People came up to him, asking for his phone number, and to hang out. Kong tried to go up to Arthit as well, but chicken out and walked right past him. He was to shy and scared to talk to him. Arthit soon became the most popular boy not only in the freshman class, but the whole school. Who was Kong to be friends with Arthit? Kong realize the end of their freshman year what his feels for the other man were, and new that nothing would ever come of it.

That didn't stop him from watching Arthit though. He would spend time on the bleachers during free time if Arthit would be playing basketball. He would secretly watch him during lunch and would go to all his basketball games. Arthit was friendly with everyone in the school, no matter their social status. The only person he didn't talk to was Kong, and Kong knew it was his own fault.

Kong had one friend, Aim. The only reason they were friends is because they live next door and grew up together. Aim too was a quite kid, but very friendly too. He wasn't near as popular as Arthit, but still had a lot of friends. If Aim wasn't at school Kong would always stay to himself. Hiding in the library, or sitting outside, nose in a comic book, listening to music. Aim called him an introvert.

"My mom threatened to take my phone and game console away if I was late on the first day of the new semester." He groaned, rolling his eyes. "I can't wait till we get out of here. I'm want to make all my classes in university, late morning, or afternoon classes."

"My cousin is in university, and he told me that is near impossible. They want you to be used to getting up and starting work early." Arthit frowned as he looks at his friend Tuah.

"Well, I can only try! You know how much I love my sleep!" Arthit whined shacking his head. Kong stayed silent following them into their shared classroom.

"Alright student quite down!" Kong sat in the very back of the classroom, last desk closest to the window. This way he would be out of the way of everyone else. He noticed when walking into the classroom that not even the lockers were behind this desk. Nothing but a blank wall was behind him. Which was prefect for him.

"We are going to do something different this semester. I want everyone to stand and move forward to the front of the class." Kong raised an eyebrow at their homeroom teacher but said nothing doing as he was told like the rest of the class.

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