Best Friends to Lovers Pt. 3

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Kong hummed a happy tone as he walked towards the canteen. He was in a very happy mood today. Why, you might ask. Because he was able to sleep over at his P'Arthit dorm last night! It was the first time since university started that Kong was able to step foot into Arthit dorm. There were a lot of reason's Kong had not been able to visit Arthit at his dorm, one of the being his girl friend Nam. It seem like she was always over there. And Kong wasn't one to distribute them. He always walked away when they were together. Not because he wasn't happy to see his P'Arthit happy, he was, but it also hurt to see them like that. Knowing he would never be able to be with his P' like that.

When they were on the beach trip Nam did nothing but call and message Arthit. Kong could see how annoyed and upset he was getting. They were only gone for two night and three days. Yet Nam wouldn't leave him alone, evening going so far as to show up. How she found out where they were Kong didn't know. Arthit got mad and sent her packing. Telling her this was a school trip for SOTUS, and she wasn't invited. Nobody outside engineering and a few medical students were allowed on the trip. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy, and it resulted in them having a fight. I felt bad and somewhat guilty about it. I knew I shouldn't feel guilty, but I did.

"What are you so happy about?" Aim asked walking up beside me. I gave him a big smile giggling a little.

"I spent the night in P's room" I told him excitedly. Aim raised an eyebrow at me confused. I know its not the first time we slept in the same bed, and there is nothing for me to be over excitedly about.

"So? Hasn't that happen a lot of times before?" Aim asked. I nodded laughing.

"Yes but not since school started! Sure, we shared he room during the beach trip, but you were with us. This time it was just him and I." Kong said happily. He miss the times when it was just me and P'Arthit.

"Oohhh I see." Aim said not bothering to hide his laughter.

"Shut up!" Kong yelled at him, trying to hit him with my crutch.

"Who the hell is upsetting my lion?" Arthit asked walking up behind them. Kong turned around smiling brightly at the younger man.

"Aim is picking on me." He said. Arthit face went dark looking at Aim.

"What?" He said his voice cold. Bright, Prem, Knott and Tutah looked at their friend worried. Nobody was every allowed to pick on Kong. Ever. They learned that from a very young age. The very first day they met them. Arthit was very protective of his little lion. They knew shit would hit the fan.

"Not like that!" Aim said throwing his hands up. "I'm his best friend I was just teasing him for being so happy after class!" He said defending himself. Arthit looked at Kong who nodded his head.

"It's true P, you know Aim wouldn't do anything to actually upset me." Kong said defending Aim. Arthit relaxed, with Kong explanation.

"I see how it is, you believe him over me huh?" Aim said with fake annoyance shacking his head.

"Now nong, you should know by now, that Arthit will believe Kong over anyone." Bright said throwing his arm over Aim shoulder. "Kongy boy can tell Arthit that the sky is pink, elephants have poke-a-dots, and he was the prince of Thailand and Arthit would believe every word." Everyone laughed including Kong, while Arthit pouted.

"That isn't true!" He said defending himself. "Kong just doesn't lie and has never given me a reason to not believe his words."

"You keep telling yourself that man." Prem said slapping Arthit on the back gentle. "Come on I'm straving." He said as they walked into the canteen heading to their normal table.

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