Best Friends to Lovers Pt. 1

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Arthit: age 5

Kong: age 3

Arthit hummed happily as he skipped ahead of his mommy and her friend, they were going to the park! One of Arthit favorite places to be! It was the rainy season and Arthit had not been able to go to the park the last three days! When Arthit woke up this morning and say the sun shining he begged his mommy to go to the park. Now here he is! He hoped his friends where here! He had been so bored at home.

As they got closer to the playground, little Arthit notice a small boy sitting on a bench alone rolling two cars back and forth. He noticed the boy had two sticks next to him, with funny handles. He tilted his head looking. "Mommy, why that kid have those sticks?" Arthit asked pointing to a little boy. To Arthit the little boy looks really sad. Was it because nobody was playing with him? Arthit tugged on his mom shirt hard getting her attention. "Mommy, I asked a question." Arthit mother looked at him sighing. Her son was always so demanding. Her friend giggling at the child impatient.

"What was your question Oon?" she asked patiently.

"Why that kid have those sticks?" He asked again pointing. His mother looked in the direction he was pointing. She was shocked to see the little boy sitting alone. She knew most of the kids in the area along with their parents or caregivers. She had never seen this kid before. This park was a neighborhood park. Kids from the surrounding homes and apartments played here all day every day. Sometimes parents would come and let their kids play if they were in the area, but it's mostly the same kids every day.

"Mommy! Why that kid have those sticks!" Arthit questioned again getting even more inpatient when his mom didn't answer him.

"I don't know Oon, there are many reasons why someone would need those." She smiled down at him taken his hand. "How about we go over there and talk to him. He looks sad doesn't he?" Arthit nodded his head eagerly. He always like making new friends.

As they got closer Achara, who was a pediatrician took in the young boy. She had a feeling why the boy need the crutches but didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Hi there sweetheart." She says softly trying hard not to scare the young boy. "What is your name?" she asked sitting down next to him. The little boy had tan skin, with raven black hair. He had round glasses sitting on his nose and a small cut above his left eye. When he looked up at her, she notice his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"Kongpob" the small boy said shyly. He wasn't allowed to talk to strangers. His parents said so, but this lady seem nice. Achara notice the slight speech impairment when Kongpob spoke.

"Hi Kongpob, can I ask how old you are?" Achara asked smiling at the little boy so held up three fingers. "Thank you sweetie. This is my son Arthit, he is five years old, that makes him your Phi."

"Why you got these sticks?" Arthit asked growing impatient with his mom questions.

"I gots celery parsley" Kong answer. Achara looked at Kongpob for a moment before his words sunk in.

"You mean cerebral palsy?" She asked. Kong nodded at her, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"You talk funny." Arthit said, causing Kongpob to look down at the ground tears in his eyes.

"Arthit that is mean, tell him you are sorry." Achara said, lightly tapping Arthit on the butt. Arthit frowned looking at Kongpob.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Thank you Oon." She said ruffing his hair. She turned back to Kong who was still looking at his feet. "Where are your parents sweetheart?" She asked. Kong shrugged his shoulder.

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