Pt. 2 Heartbreak, Misunderstandings, Healing

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"What's up with you man? You're quite tonight." Prem asked. It's been three days since he seen Kong. He had been carrying around his phone hoping Kong would call it, but so far no luck.

"Just thinking." He mumbled. "Hey...have any of you seen or heard from Kongpob?" He suddenly asked. The gang had gotten together to chat and catch up. This was something they have been doing every two or three weeks since they graduated. Their juniors joined them since at the time Kong and Arthit were dating and Knott, and Prem were dating two of the juniors too.

"No. None of us have talked or seen him in three years." Tutah said. Arthit looked everyone but Bright nodding. Arthit sighed. "Maybe the juniors have, they were once close right?"

"Unless Tew is seeing him behind my back, he hasn't seen or talk to him either." Knott said.

"Same with Wad." Prem said.

"Aim was his best friend you can ask him." Tutah said looking at Arthit. "But why do you want to get a hold of him?"

Arthit pulled out Kong phone from his pocket. "We were stuck in the elevator together the other day and he left his phone. Nobody called it, and I want to return it." Bright head shot up from his phone looking at Arthit. "Only one person message him, but I can't open the phone from that."

"Have you tried to unlock it?" Bright asked. Arthit looked at his friend confused.

"no why would i? beside I wouldn't know the passcode." He said truthfully.

"Wouldn't it be funny if it was your Id, or your anniversary, or your birthday." Tutah laughed. Arthit frowned, why would Kong have that as his passcode? They were not together anymore.

"I doubt it..." Arthit mumbled, turning the phone around in his hand. He turned the phone on, and the lock screen showed Kong and his daughter. The little girl had an almost fair complication, she had black hair, pulled into pigtails, her eyes were hazel, and she had dimples. She looks so angelic.

"Why does she kind of look like you?" Tutah asked looking over his shoulder. He took the phone from Arthit passing it around. Knott waved the juniors over, showing them the picture as well.

"Kong has a daughter?" May asked in surprise. They too haven't spoken to him since they got those pictures.

"Maybe that's his niece. She has to be what? Two?" Oak asked.

"It's his daughter. I heard them on the phone, she called him papa." Arthit said. They passed the phone back to Tutah instead of Arthit. "None of you have talk to Kongpob?" the junior shook their heads no.

"I tried reaching out. I felt guilty for calling him names for cheating on you, but he never responded." Aim said, rubbing his neck. "I was his best friend since the age of eleven."

"Holy fuck! It worked!" Everyone looked at Tutah who showed the home screen of Kong phone. Arthit eyes went wide looking at the home screen. It was a picture of their gear, a heart surrounding them. "Your anniversary date...that is the passcode." Tutah said.

Suddenly Bright stood up, grabbing the phone from Tutah locking it again. "We shouldn't invade his privacy." He said pocketing the phone.

"But don't you think he would want the phone back? It has picture of his daughter on there." Tutah said.

"Why would you care anyways? Why would any of you care?" Now everyone looked at Bright.

"Bright, what is up with you? You have been quite all night, and now this?" Arthit asked. Bright had been acting strange, almost cold to all of them over the last two years, but nobody said anything, he was still laughing and talk to them it was forced.

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