The Playboy Innocent Lover Pt 4

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Kong was smiling brightly; he was very happy. Today was his one-month anniversary with his P'Arthit, today just so happens to be Valentine Day. He didn't expect to get anything from his boyfriend, but he got something for Arthit. A robot he had seen Arthit bookmark. He had been quick enough to take a picture of the website before Arthit had noticed him. When he went to check the price he was floored, but he knew his P'Arthit wanted it. It wasn't going to be released till after their anniversary, though. So, he went to his lawyer and ask about buying the robot and to take money out of his inheritance to do so. Just yesterday his lawyer came through with the robot. Kong didn't even question it.

"Excuse me?" Kong stopped as a girl stepped in front of him. "Are you Kongpob?" She asked. Kong looked her up and down. Her hair was raven black and laid flat against her back, she had on the school uniform, of a black shirt and white button-down blouse.

"Yes I'm Kongpob. Who are you?" he asked. They were in the middle of the pathway leading to the main school canteen.

"Do you think we can talk privately?" both of Kongpob eyebrows shot up at that.

"No...I don't like to be alone with people I don't know." He said honestly. He looked around and saw an empty table not too far off the pathway. "We can sit there though." He told her, before walking over there. He looked at her once they both had sat down. "What can I help you with?" He asked

The girl in front of him looked Kong up and down confused why Arthit would chose him of all people to date, actually date. The boy was nothing surprise. Was it because he gave good head? "You're dating Arthit Rojanapt right?" She asked trying to seem small and timid.

"Yes." Kong answer truthfully. Everyone knew they were dating. They didn't keep it a secret. Arthit was always showering Kong with affection, then calling him cute when he blushed.

"I just...I wanted to warn you...I...hmm...I wish someone had warned me so...I want to warn you." She said. Kong looked at her worried.

"About what?"

"Arthit...he...he like to play with people, he isn't always safe, and likes partners out." she said. Kong was really confused. The girl seeing the confusion smirked to herself as he spin a tale of abortion, being passed around by his friends, unprotected sex, and STD. She told lies upon lies. At the end she gave Kong her number and told him to call her, then left. Kong looked at the number pocketing it. He might be innocent, but he wasn't stupid or native and would never believe what the girl said.

They had agree to meet up at Arthit apartment after classes ended for the day. Arthit classes ended first, and he told Kong just to come by. He had a project with his friends he would be working on. Kong was more than happy to do so. He couldn't wait to give his P'Arthit the surprise gift. The conversation he had with the girl this morning still in the back of his mind. He wanted to talk to Arthit about what was said and give him the number.

"Sure, you can have him when I'm done with him." Arthit said laughing others joining in. It was the first thing that greeted him getting off the elevator. Kong was confused, as he followed the voices. He tighten his hold on the gift bag in his hand. Was the girl right?

"do you think I'm some damn play toy to be passed around?" come an angry voice, making Kong more confused and worried. It was not a voice he ever heard before.

"P'Arthit?" he called as he walked into the kitchen. Six head turned his way, one shorter than everyone else. Kong notice Arthit and Bright each had their shirt off.

"Hi baby" Arthit said smiling coming over to him. "You are a little ealier than I thought you would be."

"I...class...was dismissed early...P''s not going to very nice places...what is going on here?" Kong said looking up at Arthit.

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