The Bet Pt. 1

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Arthit and his friends were in the VVIP section of one of the hottest clubs in Bangkok. It was a new up and coming club. It attracted rich young college student from all over the city. The hazers were part of the rich young college students. Each belonging to one of the wealthiest in the country. Except for Arthit His family was the third richest in all of Asia. The third years were celebrating their friend Tutah birthday, while simultaneously, relaxing after their hazing session.

The hazers love this club, for many different reasons. The food was always fresh and hot, the drink always cold. The music always pumping the hottest billboard songs from around the world.

The VVIP section they were sitting in gave them a 180 view of the whole club. The sitting area was on the second floor. There were six section in total, each separated by a short wall and a curtain. It allowed the guest more privacy to have fun.

"To Tutah! Happy 21st birthday!" The friends shouted holding their glasses high.

"Thanks guys!" Tutah said laughing.

"Open my gift first!" Bright exclaimed, handing Tutah a brightly wrapped slim box.

"Why when you always annoy me?" Tutah said accepting the gift.

"Because you love me the most" Bright said laughing. The group of friends rolled their eyes, saying nothing. Tutah and Bright did have a stronger bond with each other than the rest of them. The other three believe that its due to them both having the same brain.

"As if I would love an oxymoron like you." Tutah said a smirk on his face, as he open his gift. Tutah frown down at the plan piece of paper. "What the hell is this?" He asked annoyance written all over his face.

"What's an oxymoron?" Bright asked, ingoing Tutah.

"Answer his question first Bright then I will tell you." Knott said. He was known as the father of the group. He was always looking out for everyone, making sure they stayed focus on their studies.

Bright sigh shaking his head as he took the paper from Tutah flipping it around. "Here, I must have put it upside down." He said. Tutah rolled his eyes looking at the paper, squealing delight as the words at the top of the page catches his attention.

"You really can be the best sometimes! Thanks, Bright!" Tutah said giving Bright a side hug.

"What did he give you?" Perm asked taken the paper, snickering when he say the header.

"I made a reservation at Dahra Beauty and Spa™. I marked him down for everything. Message, body scrubs and wraps, facial treatments, and the Platinum Spa Treatment. The only thing he has to do is show up and choose body scrub and the facial treatment." Bright said sounding proud of himself. They all knew how Tutah was about his skin care routine, nothing but the best for Tutah.

"Here Tutah this is for you" Knott said handing him his gift. Tutah open it smiling wildly. "They are VVIP and backstage passes to EXO. I know they are your favorite Korean boy band"

"Geeze you guys are spoiling me today!" Tutah said laughing.

Prem was next handing his gift to Tutah. When Tutah opened it, he looked confused holding up a keychain. "You said you like my car so much, I had one made just for you. It's bright red with white leather seats. Fully decked out with all the bell and whistle." Bright whistle himself looking at the key chain. "The car should be out there by the time we leave here."

"You all are the best! Thank you!"

"What did you get him Arthit?" Bright asked. Arthit had been quite sitting back watching his friends enjoying themselves.

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