The Playboy Innocent Lover Pt. 1

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Arthit looked at the girl standing in front of him. Him and his friends decided to spend their lunch hour at the café he owned. It was to get away from campus and the very person standing in front of him. He knew something like this would happen and he didn't want to case a scene at school. It's only been four months since school started and the last thing he needed was a new scandal.

He had only been dating the girl for two weeks. He could hardly remember her name. He doesn't even know if he could call what they did dating. They hooked up and had sex. He never stayed at her dorm, and he never allowed people back to his apartment. His apartment was off limits to everyone but his friends.

The girl standing in front of him was the seventh girl he has had in just as many weeks. He had sent her a "break-up" message just that morning. He wasn't feeling it anymore. It had been exciting at first just like every other time, but soon it just became boring. Just like all the other girls and boys he had been with in the past. They were all just after his money, anyways.

It would all start the same. They would 'hear' he broke up with someone, then come and flirt with him. He would spend the next day or two taken them to a fancy restaurant. They would then spread their legs for him, and he would buy them gift. It is partly his fault. He does keep entertaining men and women like this.

"So that's it? You are just going to break up with me like that?" the girl asked. She was clearly pissed. She didn't know why she thought she would be different. When she told her friend she was dating Arthit Rojanapt, they all were against it. Everyone on campus knew how he was. He was only after sex. But she wanted to believe that she would be different.

"Yes. Just like that. You don't excite me. You bore me. All you want to talk about is the latest fashion and trends. Don't stand there acting like your heart broke. You only wanted me for my money anyways." The girl in front of him huffed crossing her arms. Fake tears in her eyes.

Of course she was heartbroken. She was heartbroken over losing all that money, and the gifts. Arthit Rojanapt is the only son of mulita-billionaire Sonchai and Rojanapt. Sonchai was in the top five richest men in all of Asia. He had his hands in almost everything. The biggest piece money maker was hospitality. Hotels, resorts, restaurants. Achara was a world-famous actress and singer. She started her career acting at the age of five and working her way up. She had won many awards for both acting and singing. She started her own production company. She is known to be very kind but very strict at the same time. They say if you can make it in her company you have it made.

"Oh, stop with the fake water works." Arthit said. "You are not upset I'm breaking up with you. You are upset that I won't be lavishing you with gifts. You knew what this was when we started." Arthit told her dismissively. "You can leave now."

The girl stopped her foot huffing. "I will make you pay for this you asshole!" She said before storming out. Arthit just rolled his eyes sighing deeply.

"Did you even know her name?" Tutah asked. Arthit just looked at him unamused.

"Do I ever remember their names?" He responded back.

"How do you have them programed into your phone?" Bright asked. He had been curious about this for a while now. He doesn't remember Arthit ever saying the girls he dated names. They were always 'baby'.

Arthit pulled out his phone and after scrolling for a moment he showed them her number. There was no name, just the words. 'Latest Girl' as the name.

"oh man that is harsh" Perm said, shacking his head.

"you know Arthit you could be a little less cold hearted and actually put their names you know." Knott said. Arthit just looked at him putting his phone away.

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