My Bipolar Boyfriend

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**this takes place a few years after 'My Big Baby'**

Kong twisted in his chair pretending to stretch just so he could check on his boyfriend. There was something wrong with his boyfriend, he just knew it. This morning, he was harder to wake up than normal, and so much quitter. Kong tried to press the matter, but Arthit told him to drop it. Being the boyfriend he is, Kong didn't ask again. That didn't mean he was going to just ignore it though. Since Kong was in the same department as Arthit, today, it gave him the greatest opportunity to keep an eye on his boyfriend. Like right now.

"P'Earth, P'Todd, P'Arthit, I need to stretch my legs, so I'm going to get something to drink, would any of you like something?" Kong asked standing up. He hoped that by asked all three seniors here, his boyfriend wouldn't think he was singling him out and freak out on him.

"Thanks, nong" Todd said smiling. "Could you get me an ice coffee please?" he asked pulling out some cash.

"I need a little sugar, could you get me a pink milk please?" Earth asked.

"Sure" Kong said smiling, he turned to look at his boyfriend who seem zoned out. "P'Arthit?" Kong called softly touching Arthit shoulder gentle.

"Huh? Oh...hmmm my normal" He mumbled, not really paying attention. Todd and Earth look at Arthit then Kong worried.

"Do you know what his normal is?" Earth asked Kong.

"Yes P'Earth." Kong said softly. He took one look at his boyfriend before walking out.

The line at the drink stall wasn't as long as Kong thought it might have been. He was back with everyone drink in under ten minutes. Earth, and Todd were gone, leaving only Arthit in the room. Kong placed their drinks down on their desk, before kneeling next to his boyfriend a pen in his left hand.

"Baby..." Kong said gentle. He placed his hand on Arthit knee getting the older man attention. Arthit had been half asleep looking at his screen.

"Kong...what?" he asked confused looking at his lover. He quickly sat up eyes going wide as he seem to remember where they are. "What are you doing down there, get up before someone sees'" He hissed through his teeth. Kong stood up showing Arthit the pen in his hand. He knew his boyfriend would freak out, and already had an excuse ready. Arthit eye the pen this his boyfriend closing his eyes sighing. "Sorry..." he mumbled. Kong tilted his head smiling at him.

"It's okay love." Kong said softly. He placed Arthit pink milk on his desk. "Here...drink this...Maybe it will help." Kong quickly looked around, making sure they were still alone before gentle moving Arthit hair off his forehead. He frowned feeling how warm his boyfriend was. "Love you have a fever." Kong said concerned.

"I'm okay." Arthit responded leaning into the cool touch. Kong traced his fingers down Arthit forehead to his cheek cupping it gentle, causing Arthit to close his eyes. Kong held his hand there for a moment, before removing it. His boyfriend was sick, or coming down sick and he didn't want to upset him more.

Arthit whimpered slightly when Kong removed his hand, looking up at him, before placing his forehead on Kong stomach. He knew where they were and for a moment he didn't care. He started to feel like shit the night before but didn't want to worry his lover, when he woke up he had a migraine and felt worse. Still, he didn't want to worry Kong.

"You are leaving on time today love." Kong said running his fingers though Arthit hair gentle. "And you are going straight home and to bed." It was Friday and there was no reason for them to stay past five. Arthit just nodded, not in the mood to fight. They stayed like that, Kong running his fingers thought Arthit hair gentle, neither of them speaking.

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