The Bearer Pt. 3

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Kong was terrified. There was no other word for it. When he was on the way to the restroom, someone grabbed him from behind. Before he could scream for Arthit, a cloth was covering his mouth. He started fighting, able to kick the person holding him in the shin. He was punched in the face, knocking his classes off making him pass out.

When he woke up he was in a brightly lit room, he could feel the warmth of the sun hitting his face. He was naked, he could feel the cold. He was laying on something soft, a bed maybe. His wrist were tried together with something mental pulled above his head. Maybe handcuffs, or chains he wasn't sure, all he knew was that they were already digging into his skin, and if he moved they dug in more.

His feet here tired together bent behind him. His had a headache and his face hurt. His whole body was in pain. He tried to stay calm. He need to stay calm. It would only make matter worse if he tried to fight them, tried to get away. He wanted to get back to his P'Arthit unhurt. He need to do whatever they say.

"But what if they wanted to try things with me." He asked himself softly and started to tear up at that thought. More and more horrible and nasty thoughts popped into his head. What if they just killed him? What if they tortured him thinking he could give them information about P'Arthit. Kong would rather die than give up any information about his P'Arthit. Not that he knew anything anyways. Arthit always keeps that part of his life away from Kong. Yes Kong knows what P'Arthit does for a living. Yes he knows that sometimes it can be ugly, he has hear the scream, the crying, the pleas. He still doesn't know anything

What if they knew he was a bearer? What if they took him from P'Arthit for that reason alone? His father already sold him once to someone who had a thing for bearers. What if this person was the same way. The more Kong thought about it the more scared he got. He tried to think of happy thoughts. Of getting back to his P'Arthit, to school.

"P'Arthit...where are you?" Kong whispers to himself. He wasn't sure how long he was out for, or how long he had been gone. What he did know was that P'Arthit would have known he was gone within minutes. Kong was never far from Arthit sight; Arthit was very overprotective of him. It was something he found sweet, and annoying at the same time. So, when Kong didn't return from the bathroom Arthit would have gone looking for him.

The sound of the door creaking open had Kong turning his head.

"I see you are finally awake." A male voice said. He could hear the sound of feet moving across the floor, closer to the bed. "It's no wonder that fucker wants to keep you locked away, you are breathtaken beautiful for a man." He said. Kong felt the bed dip next to him before a hand touched his face. Kong moved his face away, trying to move his whole body away, but the ties kept him in place.

"What do you want with me?" he asked when the man didn't say anything else. Kong knew the man was looking at his naked body, and it made him feel disgusting. Nobody should every see him naked by his P'.

"A lot." The man said chuckling. Kong felt the slightly touched to his sided causing him to flinch. "Don't like my touch?" the man asked. Kong didn't say anything closing his eyes hopping the man would just go away. "Oh, come now sweetheart, don't be like that. You will have to get use to my touch sooner or later" He said.

"My P'Arthit will find me, and he will kill you for evening breathing in my direction" Kong said with false bravery. The man laughed as he grabbed Kong chin hard.

"Your P'Arthit isn't going to do shit. He doesn't care about you, and I will prove it tonight. He will not show up at the met-up spot." The man hissed, spitting in my face. Kong didn't believe him. He never would.

"Your lying. P'Arthit cares for me, he will meet you to get me back." Kong replays, having faith in his boyfriend.

"Oh really? Has he ever said, 'I like you'? or 'I love you'? Let me ask you another question, has Arthit ever declared what your relationship is to other people? The whole underground community knows you are his fuck toy, his property. You mean just as much to him as one of his building. Nothing. He will sell you off the first chance he gets once he is tired of you." Kong kept a blank face even if his mind was reeling. It's true that P'Arthit never once since he loved Kong, let alone said he loved him. The elder never once called Kong his boyfriend or even lover. Yes Arthit calls him 'love' and now and then, but it always during sex. What was he to Arthit? Was he just a fuck toy like this man is saying?

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