The Bet Pt. 3

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Arthit lean back, elbows on the table, ankles crossed, as he half listen to Bright and Tutah bickering with each other. His eyes locked on a very specific freshman, growing annoyed by the minutes. Why was he annoyed? Because this freshman was ignoring his calls and messages again. Arthit was doing everything he could to get the younger man attention, yet Kong left him on read. Most of the time the messages went unread. The only time Kong every responded back to him was if it was about hazing, or food. He even asked about his brother wedding the weekend before and if he had gone, but not no response.

"If you stare any harder you are going to burn wholes into his back" Knott said. He had been observing his friend for a few minutes now. He noticed how Arthit eyes were locked on one person. Knott knew this bet was getting to his friend. Kongpob wasn't falling for any of Arthit schemes.

"What the hell am I doing wrong?" Arthit asked as he kept his eyes focused on Kongpob. His lips twitching slightly as the sound of Kong laugh invaded his ears.

"Well for one he is a boy, not a girl. You normally go after girls. Girl things might not work on him like they did those lady boys." Bright said stopping his bickering with Tutah.

"What do you know about this boy?" Perm asked. It was nearing the one months mark and Arthit had not even made it to first base.

"He likes food. Pizza his is favorite. He has an overprotected brother, and even more overprotected father. That's it. I can't get him to answer any of my other questions."

"Have you talk to his friends?" Tutah asked.

"What friends? I see him talking to everyone, nobody is every ignored." Arthit said his tone full of frustration. He watched yet again Kong go from one table of freshman to another, talking, and laughing with them.

"Don't you pay attention to anything during hazing? He seems to be more friendly with a certain set of seven people." Perm rolled his eyes answering Arthit. "Them" He pointed to a table where only seven people sat. The whole canteen was packed, but this one table only had those seven people. "He sits with only them during hazing. When we break them up into groups, he is always with them." Arthit raised his brows as he watch Kong walk over and sit down between a tall lanky boy and a muscular boys.

"You really think they are his friends?" Arthit tilted his head as one of the girls slide a tay of food to Kong, while another boy handed him a drink. "Are they waiting on him?" He asked shocked. He would never peck Kong as someone to have servants.

"I don't think so. This is the first I've seen them do that." Tutah said, equally shocked.

"You know I can always find out more about him." Perm suggested. It wouldn't be the first time he did that for Arthit.

"No...I even though I will lose this bet, I like this challenge." He knew that he would not be able to get Kong to tell him 'I love you' by the end of the month, and he was okay with that.

"I already lost, there is no way Arthit will get him to say, 'I love you' by the end of the week." Perm said fake pouting.

"Holy shit that means I might win!" Tutah did a fist pump excited. He never wins these bets. Everyone but Arthit looked at him, rolling their eyes. He had yet to stop observing the table full of friends.

"Kongpob 0062 come here now!" Arthit suddenly roared, causing the whole canteen to go deadly silent.

Kong was shocked, hearing Arthit yell his name like that. He didn't hesitate to get up rushing over to him. He could feel the other students eyes on him, causing him to feel self-conscious.

"Yes P'Arthit?" He asked as he stopped in front of his head hazer. He had to admit he was a little scared. He knows he had been wrong for ignoring all of P'Arthit messages, but it wasn't all his fault. Will P'Arthit punish him in front of everyone for it? He couldn't be that mad right?

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