Alpha and Omega

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Arthit growled as he watched his omega smile and laugh with another alpha at the bar. He didn't care that the alpha was his best friend. His omega should never laugh with anyone but him.

The gang was sitting at their normal spot in the far back corner. They visit this place almost every weekend, the bar staff knew them all by name, and their normal drink order. One of the reason they love this bar. They allowed Kong to join them as well, on the condition he didn't drink till he was of age. Arthit was okay with that, as he didn't want this omega drinking in public anyways.

"Geeze Thit calm down, it's only Knott." Tutah said tapping Arthit on the shoulder, not even the least bit surprises to hear the growl. Even over the loud music and crowd at the bar. They had all agree to meet up at their favorite bar. The new school year would start tomorrow, and they knew they would be busy.

It would be Kong's freshman year, finally joining his alpha at university. Much to both of their relief. The last three years had been hard on both of them being away from each other for days if not weeks on end. This last year was even harder now that Kong felt the pull too. All he wanted was his alpha,

"Kongpob!" Arthit yelled over the sound of the music and crowd. That was the last straw. Arthit knew it was only Knott, he knew it was only his best friend, but he didn't care. He was, and always been possessive of his omega.

Kong and Knott looked over at the seething alpha. Knott eyebrow raised while Kong smiled wide, bouncing over to his alpha.

"Yes alpha?" Kong, not caring about the people around them, Kong sat on his alpha lap sideways. His arms wrapping around Arthit shoulders gentle, as he placed a gentle kiss on the older cheek. "I was waiting for your drink."

Arthit wrapped his arms around his omega slim waist drawing him closer. He too didn't care if the people around them starred. He didn't give a fuck about anyone opinion on their relationship. The only people he cared about already approved.

"You need to pay attention to me." he growled into his omega ear before biting his lobe gentle. Kong whimpered nodding. Arthit voice was low, husky, dominating. Arthit knew what that did to Kong. "or do you want to be punished?" Arthit asked squeezing Kong ass hard.

"I'm sorry alpha." Kong whispered laying his head on his alpha shoulder. He could feel himself starting to leak, his cock growing. He loved it when his alpha was like this. He moved his ass a little trying to rub it against Arthit cock. Since he was sitting sideways he had no luck.

"Are you trying to be naughty?" Arthit growled sucking Kong neck as his hand wonder inside the back of Kong pants, finger swiping across Kong hole groaning feeling the slick. He has no problems taken his lover into the bathroom and fucking him. He knew Kong wouldn't mind either.

"get a room you two!" Bright yelled. Arthit sneered at him but said nothing. Kong giggled putting his face in his alpha neck.

"Leave them alone, you know they can't help it!" Tutah said slapping Bright in the arm. Kong laughed again snuggling into his alpha. They have been dating for three years, but only mated for one, it's been the best three years any omega could ask for.


Kong rolled his eyes trying not to laugh at his older sister. He had agreed to come baby shopping with her since her husband wasn't available, being away on business with their father. His sister Joy was 8 months pregnant with the couple's first baby. P'Rain was doing everything he could to make sure all his work was complete before the baby was born. He wanted to spend the first three months with his wife and their baby.

Kong didn't remember when or where his sister Joy and P'Rain met. From what he was told, they met when she was only thirteen, and he was nineteen, making Kong only three at the time. Their mom had taken them to a café near the park Kong had always played at, and he was there with his niece. From the stores, P'Rain went up to their mom holding his six-month-old niece. He whispered to her, explaining everything. He didn't want to freak the little girl out, or the other children. He didn't want to come off as someone who like children either. Kong had been told that his mom gave P'Rain her phone number, telling him to call her the next day.

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