The Caption Nerd Pt. 2

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"A...A...Arthit, you left t...t...t...this at my yesterday." Kong said softy holding Arthit math book out to him. It's been almost three weeks since Arthit first time visiting Kong home. Since that first time, Arthit has come over every single day. At first it was with the excuse of homework and their project, but then it was to see Lion as well. Arthit stayed the night at least three times per week, which annoyed Kong brothers, but made both boys happy. Arthit didn't stay the night like he had the other three times. He said something about his parents getting annoyed at him being away from home at night.

When Kong notice Arthit left his math book last night, he wanted to message the other boy, but then got scared. He didn't know how Arthit would react to him messaging him. Sure, Arthit had been nice to him, sweet, almost flirty, but that didn't mean he wanted Kong to message him. So, Kong put the book in his bag and decided to give it to him this morning. He chickened out the moment he say the other rushing towards the school building. Kong wondered if Arthit would like it if Kong spoke to him at school. So, he waited. He waited till Arthit took his seat beside him before pushing the book towards him.

"Thanks, stutterbug." Arthit said smiling at him, ruffling his hair a bit, as he takes the book putting it in his desk. "I was looking all over for it this morning." He chuckled as Kong pouted looking at Arthit. "Aww don't pout stutterbug, here I'll fix it." Arthit said fixing Kong hair. He has came to realize that Kong takes pride in being neat and tidy and he hates his hair being messed with.

"Aww look at Arthit being all domestic and fixing his wife hair." Bright said turning around in his seat to look at them. When the new seating chat had been posted and Arthit was sat next to Kong, Bright and Prem were sat in front of them, while Tutah and Knott to their rights. It was like they were the protective shield around the love birds. At first Kong was scared. He was always so use to Aim being next to him, with Tew and Oak in front of them, that he almost had a panic attack. He knew the four were friends of Arthit, and wouldn't hurt him, unless Arthit said something. So, when they were really nice to him, shared their snacks with him, and didn't tease him for his stutter, he slowly relaxed and felt safe.

"Shut up you oxymoron." Tutah said, making Kong laugh, which quickly was covered up by a fake cough. Arthit rolled his eyes but smiled hearing the shy laugh.

"What the hell is an oxymoron?" Bright asked looking confused.

"It's a f...f...f...figure of s...s...s...speech. Like j...j...j...jumbo s...s...s...shrimp. Your name a o...o...oxym...m...m...moron." Kong answer his cheek turning pink. He didn't make eye contact with anyone, to shy to do so.

"My name?" Bright said more confused.

"Your name is Bright, but you are not bright." Tutah said. "You are a walking, talking, breathing oxymoron." Bright eyes grew wide, as he finally understood what Tutah ment.

"That is so mean!" Bright shouted while the rest of us laughed. Tutah was right through, sometimes Bright wasn't so bright. "Just for that, Kong is my new best friend, I don't want to talk to you anymore Tutah." He said before turning to Kong. "You are not my number one best friend understand? Good!" He said not giving Kong time to answer. Kong blinked looking very confused, before he looked at Arthit who just rolled his eyes shrugging.

"Just ignore him stutterbug, he is always so dramatic. Beside, Tutah will go back being his number one best friend before lunch."

"Will not." Bright said turning to Tutah sticking his tongue out at him. Kong giggled as Tutah thew a paper ball at Bright, just as the teacher walked in.

"Kong! Since you are the smartest student in our year, can you help me study for our upcoming exams?' Bright asked, slinging his arm around Kong shoulders. They were heading down to the canteen, before going out to the courtyard.

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