Fetish (Watching)

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**Mature, all smut...others watching people have sex**

Arthit peeked out his balcony curtain. He was hoping he could get a glimpse of his boyfriend in his room, across the courtyard. They were supposed to be spending time together, but Arthit got pissed. Not really pissed but more like jealous. Kong was speaking to a female during lunch, laughing and giving her a bright smile. Then he saw them again after classes were over. The plan for the night was to have dinner, then watch a movie in Arthit dorm. Arthit had hoped...prayed that Kong would fuck the shit out of him tonight too. They had not been together for three weeks now and Arthit need to feel his boyfriend in him. But now all that went up in smoke. All because Arthit got jealous and broke up with his lover. Not even giving Kong a chance to explain.

What he say made him feel worse than he already did. Kong was sitting on the floor his back to his bed, hugging his knees, his phone in his hands as if typing. Arthit couldn't see his face completely clear, but he could tell by the way he was sitting, the slump shoulder, Arthit knew he made a big mistake. Taken a deep breath Arthit packed a bag, grabbed his phone and key and went across the courtyard to Kong dorm.

Kong sat against his bed, trying to figure out what he did so wrong that Arthit would break up with him. As far as he knew he didn't do anything wrong. Kong looked at his phone again hopping P'Arthit would respond to him, but it seems as if the older man had blocked him.

Kong had been looking forward to this weekend all day. They had not been able to spend time together due to need to study for midterms. Now that their test were over, they could start spending time together again. One of the reason he was looking forward to tonight most of all was to fuck his boyfriend senseless. Maybe talk to him about his little kink. Kong smirked thinking about it.

Arthit loved to leave the curtain and sometimes the door to the balcony open, when they have sex. Kong realized early on it was a fetish of his lovers. He seem to cum harder when they were open. When he thought someone could see them or hear them. He wanted to talk to him about it tonight, and maybe explore it a little more. His goal was to fuck his boyfriend over the balcony railing tonight and see how he reacted. I guess now he won't every know.

"This fucking sucks." He mumbled to himself, because now he his cock was hard, and he was horny. He threw his head back debating if he should jack off in bed, or just suffer. He had a lot of wang material in his brain due to Arthit, but it felt wrong. They just broke up. Arthit would feel gross out if he found out.

"Oh, fuck it...how could he find out anyways?" Kong mumbled to himself, looking across the courtyard. Arthit curtain was closed and have been closed since he got home. "What did I do so wrong P'Arthit?" Kong could feel tears filling his eyes. They had only been dating a few months, but to him it felt like a lifetime. It would be a while before he was over his P'Arthit.

Just as Kong stood up to take a cold shower, there was a knock on the door. He could only think of one person who would be knocking. He didn't care that he was still sporting his hard on, it wouldn't be the first time Aim saw it.

"Aim I'm not in the mood for..." His words were cut off by a pair of soft lips he knew all to well. Kong wrapped his arms around Arthit pulling him into the room deepening the kiss. He slammed the door shut lifting Arthit up pushing him against the door. Their cocks rubbing together making both of them moan. He didn't care why Arthit was here. He didn't care why Arthit was kissing him, he was just glad he was. Even if it was the final goodbye kiss. When he felt salty tears mix with their kiss, Kong pulled away breathing fast.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I should have...let you explain." Arthit said crying.

"Baby...what happen, tell me so I can fix it." Kong begged still carrying Arthit to the bed, placing him down gentle.

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